
Titania wishes all her fairy friends a happy and healthy Yuletidexxx
[Last updated 95 days ago]
Born OnFebruary 20th (age: 17 years, 1 month)
Human's NameGwyneth
GardenTitania's Palace garden
Sprinkle Gold 


Zeliha and Ayca6 hours, 35 minutes ago

Hello Gwyneth, How are you? How is your leg? I hope, that you feel better now. The nurse was very thoughtful indeed. I believe that the profession of a pysician or a nurse requires special people  and your nurse is the living proof for it. Anyway I really hope and pray that you feel better now and are on the way of recovery. Sorry for the late reply. My cat has problems, since she is spayed. She is hyper active and she somehow manages to strip off her recovery suit and lick her wound. Especially at night. Her stitches opened, so she had to be stitched again. I am not sleeping for days, to keep her from getting out of her recovery suit. It's like psychological warfare. I am sure my cat hates me now:))) My dear, I wish you a lovely day. Did you go to Gloucester yet?
I hope you have fun, despite of all the challenges you are going through right now. BTW research shows, that there are some very promising reatements on the horizone for arthritis. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.:))) Hugs and blessings.

Pat and Petunia14 hours, 9 minutes ago

Thanks for spotting my rd x

Rose and Josie Jo❤️1 day ago

Hi Gwyneth xxx
Oh noooo,so very sorry to hear you’ve been in hospital sending big hugs my dear friend 🩷
I’m glad you are improving and getting regularly seen xx
Hope no nasty side affects from your new meds !

Still your getting out and about that’s good especially as the weather has been nice xx
Enjoy your day out with the horses 🐎

My daughter house hasn’t sold yet,lots of people shown interest but not enough to put in an offer!
Unfortunately one of the neighbours has a few large sheds in her garden so maybe that’s putting people off 🫤

Take care and sleep well  Gwyneth xxx

Zeliha and Ayca3 days, 8 hours ago

Hello dear, I am sorry that you had a DVT. I wish you a speedy recovery and truly hope, that you will never ever have to go through this again. I am glad, that you feel better now. It's surely not your fault. You've been active all your life for now you are just taking a break. I really wish you all the best. Please take good care of yourself and get well soon. I am sending you blessings and hugs. Have a lovely day.

Pat and Petunia3 days, 16 hours ago

Thanks for spotting my mouse x

Zeliha and Ayca4 days, 10 hours ago

Hello Gwyneth. I really am worried. I hope it's nothing bad. Please inform me, how you are. I pray for you from the depth of my heart for good results. May God bless you and restore your health. Please take care my dear.

Pat and Petunia1 week, 2 days ago

Thanks for spotting my wd x

Pat and Petunia1 week, 6 days ago

Thanks for spotting my wd x

Pat and Petunia2 weeks, 2 days ago

Thanks for spotting my mouse x

Zeliha and Ayca2 weeks, 2 days ago

Hello, how nice that you danced and it's so cool that you have  started with it in your 70's. I am really sorry, you had to give it up due to health issues . Is there really no way to start with it again? Morris is a very dynamic dance, I really enjoyed watching the videos on youtube. The costumes, the atmosphere, all seemed really nice, very traditional, reflecting a rich culture (not to forget it really felt familiar, since the dance has something profound Germanic about it:))) What about teaching the dance to younger generations, couldn't you consider this? The girls nowadays are tough and I love that about them. When I was a child, there was just one girl in the football team of my little brother and the rest of the players were all boys. Girls did not seem to be interested in this particular sport although it's definitely fun. The all girls teams nowadays are really a pleasure to watch but yes keeping the girls apart from a distance is a challenge:))) I loved to play hockey, when I was a teenager and we had a mixed team of girl and boys. We live close to the Dutch border and people here are pretty mixed. The boys are very tall, while I am quite average and though, whenever I e

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Titania is Quest Level I, and has completed these Quests:
Level I Quests
(2 of 19 Quests Completed)
Mouse Hunter (Level I)
Best spotting time:
2 days, 14 hours
Nice Weather For Ducks (Level I)
Best spotting time:
3 days, 12 hours
The Tortoise And The Hare (Level I)
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Bunny Business (Level I)
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Watch The Birdie (Level I)
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Here Be Dragons (Level I)
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Reach For The Stars (Level I)
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Wrigglies (Level I)
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Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level I)
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One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level I)
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The Ugly Bug Ball (Level I)
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Random Assortment (Level I)
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Seasonal Quests
Think Pink (Level I)
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Spooky Sprinkling (Level I)
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Winter Wonderland (Level I)
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Be My Valentine (Level I)
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Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level I)
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Luck Of The Irish (Level I)
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Fun In The Sun (Level I)
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Total Earnings: 20 Scrolls
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February 2023

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