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Eats Wild Berries (Any feeding table)
How To Attract Attracted by any fully grown Honey Blossom which has some violet in the flower (the more violet, the stronger the attraction.) Also very mildly attracted by a Honey Blossom with all indigo petals.
How To Keep Out All bees are deterred by the Ready For Harvest Apis Melliflora.
Average Visit Time 2 - 5 minutes
Common or Rare? Average
Reward If Spotted 8 Diamonds
Item Dropped (Every 3rd you spot in other Gardens)A Honey Blossom seed (Also dropped the very first time you spot one!)
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Gardens currently attracting the Violet Bee
If your Garden is currently set up for attracting the Violet Bee, you can attract Wildlife spotters by advertising it below! If you're currently trying to spot the Violet Bee, please don't post below, but feel free to hunt for it in any of the Gardens listed...
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Aardvark Adult Frog Adult Frog (Underwater) Amare The Love Fairy Angelfish Antillean Crested Hummingbird Arctic Fox Arctic Hare Armadillo Auricoma The Golden Fairy Australian King Parrot Baby Aardvark Baby Anteater Baby Badger Baby Bear Baby Blue Caterpillar Baby Brown Bunny Baby Bull Baby Camel Baby Centaur Baby Crab Baby Deer Baby Elephant Baby Ferret Baby Fish Baby Fox Baby Gazelle Baby Giraffe Baby Hedgehog Baby Kangaroo Baby Koala Baby Lion Baby Lop Eared Bunny Baby Meerkat Baby Ostrich Baby Peacock Baby Pelican Baby Pushmi-Pullyu Baby Raccoon Baby Ram Baby Red Squirrel Baby Scorpion Baby Sea-Goat Baby Stork Baby Sugar Glider Baby Tortoise Baby Unicorn Baby Wallaby Baby Wombat Baby Zebra Badger Bandicoot Barn Owl Bat Beautiful Swan Bee Eater Bee Eater Chick Big Billy Goat Birthday Albino Raccoon Birthday Baby Unicorn Birthday Badger Birthday Chick Birthday Dodo Birthday Elephant Birthday Field Mouse Birthday Fox Birthday Froog Birthday Kinkajou Birthday Mermaid Birthday Orangutan Birthday T-Rex Birthday Toad Birthday Tortoise Birthday Unicorn Birthday Wise Fairy Birthday Wriggly Red Caterpillar Black Bear Black Cat Black Unicorn Blossomcrown Hummingbird Blue Baby Chick Blue Baby Seahorse Blue Bee Blue Candydevil Blue Chameleon Blue Cherrymole Blue Chocobug Blue Damselfish Blue Fly Blue Guppy Blue Jay Blue Jay Chick Blue Jellybeak Blue Lollipup Blue Sugarsnout Blue Sweettooth Blusher Bread and Butterfly Broad Billed Hummingbird Brown Bear Brown Bunny Bull Camel Card Gardener Cardinal Cassowary Catfish Centaur Chaffinch Chaffinch Chick Chickadee Chickadee Chick Chipmunk Chocolate Bunny Clownfish Cow Coyote Crab Crane Crane Chick Crow Cuckoo Cuckoo Chick Cupid Mouse Dancing Firewing Butterfly Dark Chocolate Bunny Deer Dinah Diplodocus Dodo Dolphin Donkey Dozy Duckling Earthworm Easter Bunny Elephant Elf Field Mouse Elf Mallard Elf Pygmy Mouse Elf White Mouse Esteparata The Wise Fairy Esurienti The Hungry Fairy Fairytale Frog Father & Baby Bull Father & Baby Centaur Father & Baby Lion Father & Baby Peacock Father & Baby Ram Ferret Festive Field Mouse Festive Mallard Festive Pygmy Mouse Festive Unicorn Festive White Mouse Field Mouse Fish Flamingo Fluffy Violet Caterpillar Forest Leafwing Butterfly Formosinia The Blossom Fairy Fox Foxface Rabbitfish Froglet Froog Gazelle Gecko Ghostly Boxfish Ghostly Field Mouse Ghostly Frog Ghostly Loch Ness Monster Ghostly Mallard Ghostly Octopus Ghostly Pygmy Mouse Ghostly Sea-Unicorn Ghostly Walrus Ghostly White Mouse Ghostly Zebrafish Giant Anteater Giant Panda Gibbon Giraffe Gold Baby Unicorn Gold Badger Gold Donkey Gold Elephant Gold Field Mouse Gold Fox Gold Gibbon Gold Hare Gold Kangaroo Gold Macaw Gold Mallard Gold Octopus Gold Phoenix Gold Starfish Gold Tiger Gold Tortoise Gold Unicorn Golden Dart Frog Golden Dragon Golden Hen Golden Lion Tamarin Golden Seadragon Golden Unicorn Goldfish Goldilocks Gorilla Great Auk Green Baby Chick Green Baby Seahorse Green Bee Green Candydevil Green Chameleon Green Cherrymole Green Chocobug Green Fly Green Guppy Green Jellybeak Green Lollipup Green Sugarsnout Green Sweettooth Green Wrasse Grey Squirrel Griffin Griffish Grouchy Groundhog Guinea Pig Handsome Prince Hare Hedgehog Hippo Tang Hippopotamus Hippopotamus (Underwater) Honey Badger Iguana Indigo Baby Chick Indigo Baby Seahorse Indigo Bee Indigo Candydevil Indigo Chameleon Indigo Cherrymole Indigo Chocobug Indigo Fly Indigo Guppy Indigo Jellybeak Indigo Lollipup Indigo Sugarsnout Indigo Sweettooth Jack Jackdaw Jackdaw Chick Jolly Kangaroo King Penguin King Penguin (Underwater) Kingfisher Kingfisher Chick Kinkajou Kiwi Koala Lazy Indigo Caterpillar Lemur Leopard Leopard Bush Fish Leprechaun Lion Llama Lobster Long-Eared Owl Lop Eared Bunny Macaw Magpie Magpie Chick Mallard Mama Bear Medium-Sized Billy Goat Meerkat Mellow Yellow Caterpillar Mermaid Merwitch Meteorat Minty Green Caterpillar Moa Mole Moonlight Tranquility Butterfly Mosasaurus Mother & Baby Aardvark Mother & Baby Anteater Mother & Baby Badger Mother & Baby Brown Bunny Mother & Baby Camel Mother & Baby Crab Mother & Baby Deer Mother & Baby Elephant Mother & Baby Ferret Mother & Baby Fish Mother & Baby Fox Mother & Baby Gazelle Mother & Baby Giraffe Mother & Baby Hedgehog Mother & Baby Kangaroo Mother & Baby Koala Mother & Baby Lop Eared Bunny Mother & Baby Meerkat Mother & Baby Ostrich Mother & Baby Pelican Mother & Baby Pushmi-Pullyu Mother & Baby Raccoon Mother & Baby Red Squirrel Mother & Baby Scorpion Mother & Baby Sea-Goat Mother & Baby Stork Mother & Baby Sugar Glider Mother & Baby Tortoise Mother & Baby Wallaby Mother & Baby Wombat Mother & Baby Zebra Mystic River Butterfly Nightingale Nightingale Chick Nivea The Beautiful Fairy Octopus Okapi Olinguito Orange Baby Chick Orange Baby Seahorse Orange Bee Orange Candydevil Orange Chameleon Orange Cherrymole Orange Chocobug Orange Fly Orange Guppy Orange Jellybeak Orange Lollipup Orange Sugarsnout Orange Sweettooth Orangutan Oriole Oriole Chick Ostrich Otter Otter (Underwater) Pair of Lovebirds Pair of Magpies Papa Bear Passenger Pigeon Peace Dove Peacock Pegasus Pelican Phoenish Phoenix Piglet Ping-Ponguin Pink Dolphin Pink Elephant Pink Fairy Armadillo Pink Hippopotamus Pink Panther Pink Skunk Clownfish Platypus Platypus (Underwater) Polar Bear Porcupine Prairie Dog Prickly Orange Caterpillar Prof Pterodactyl Puffer Fish Puffin Puffin (Underwater) Pushmi-Pullyu Pygmy Mouse Pyrenean Ibex Raccoon Raccoon Butterflyfish Rainbow Baby Chick Rainbow Baby Seahorse Rainbow Butterfly Rainbow Candydevil Rainbow Chameleon Rainbow Cherrymole Rainbow Chocobug Rainbow Dragon Rainbow Fly Rainbow Jellybeak Rainbow Lollipup Rainbow Queen Bee Rainbow Seadragon Rainbow Sugarsnout Rainbow Sweettooth Rainbow Unicorn Ram Red Baby Chick Red Baby Seahorse Red Bee Red Candydevil Red Chameleon Red Cherrymole Red Chocobug Red Fly Red Guppy Red Jellybeak Red Lollipup Red Panda Red Snapper Red Squirrel Red Sugarsnout Red Sweettooth Reindeer Roadrunner Roadrunner Chick Robin Rocking Horse Fly Rockoon Rudolph Sabre-toothed Cat Saw Billed Hummingbird Scorpion Scuba-Diving Leprechaun Sea Lion Sea Lion (Underwater) Sea-Goat Sea-Pegasus Sea-Unicorn Seal Seal (Underwater) Shimmering Musicwing Butterfly Shrimp Singing Bush Lark Singing Bushlark Chick Skunk Sloth Small Billy Goat Snabbit Snoozy Snow White Snowy Owl Spider Crab Spinosaurus Squid Squirrelfish Starfish Stegosaurus Stingray Stork Sugar Glider Summer Field Mouse Summer Mallard Summer Pygmy Mouse Summer White Mouse Sunlight Sparklewing Butterfly Sunset Dreamer Butterfly Swallow Tailed Hummingbird T-Rex Tadpole Tapir Tasmanian Devil The Big Bad Wolf The Caterpillar The Cheshire Cat The Dodo The Dormouse The Evil Queen The First Little Pig The Giant The King Of Hearts The Knave Of Hearts The Loch Ness Monster The Lory The Mad Hatter The March Hare The Mock Turtle The Mouse The Queen Of Hearts The Second Little Pig The Third Little Pig The White Rabbit Tiger Toad Topiary Baby Unicorn Topiary Badger Topiary Black Unicorn Topiary Crane Topiary Elephant Topiary Giraffe Topiary Golden Unicorn Topiary Grey Squirrel Topiary Hedgehog Topiary Kangaroo Topiary Leopard Topiary Meerkat Topiary Ostrich Topiary Rainbow Unicorn Topiary Skunk Topiary Tortoise Topiary Unicorn Topiary White Unicorn Topiary Winged Unicorn Topiary Woodpecker Topiary Zebra Tortoise Toucan Tree Frog Triceratops Triggerfish Troll Tuka Anthias Turtle Tweedledee Tweedledum Ugly Duckling Unicorn Velociraptor Violet Baby Chick Violet Baby Seahorse Violet Bee Violet Candydevil Violet Chameleon Violet Cherrymole Violet Chocobug Violet Fly Violet Guppy Violet Headed Hummingbird Violet Jellybeak Violet Lollipup Violet Sabrewing Hummingbird Violet Sugarsnout Violet Sweettooth Viridia The Garden Fairy Wallaby Walrus Walrus (Underwater) Water Dragon Watery Seadragon Waxwing Waxwing Chick Western Black Rhino Wheezy White Chocolate Bunny White Mouse White Unicorn Winged Unicorn Wolf Wombat Woodpecker Woodpecker Chick Woolly Mammoth Wren Wren Chick Wriggly Red Caterpillar Yellow Baby Chick Yellow Baby Seahorse Yellow Bee Yellow Boxfish Yellow Candydevil Yellow Chameleon Yellow Cherrymole Yellow Chocobug Yellow Fly Yellow Guppy Yellow Jellybeak Yellow Lollipup Yellow Sugarsnout Yellow Sweettooth Yellow Wagtail Yellow Wagtail Chick Zebra Zebrafish Zombie Field Mouse Zombie Mallard Zombie Pygmy Mouse Zombie White Mouse