
Born OnMay 26th (age: 10 months)
Human's NameMichael
Gardenmick's Garden
Sprinkle Gold 


Nancy and Daisy3 days, 3 hours ago

I thought thatโ€™s where you might be๐Ÿ˜Š

Michelle and Tarq 6 days, 6 hours ago

If you want to, you can plant daffodils in any pot you have, you'll find the seeds in Misc section ..

Rita and Miss Willow (USA = PA)1 month ago

Good Evening Mick,
    How's your week so far?  I'm very disappointed for the agony you were placed in. 7 yrs - 6wks!!
   At least they could've helped for 3-2yrs!  Just the little bit of my knowledge is the fatigue in it self is very wearing them to include chemo plus All other side effects from are horrendous in a body.  Anne was a very strong woman to deal w/this mentally along w/physical motion on a daily basis. Not knowing what each days pains would be as for her. God Bless Her to this moment. Very tearful indeed. I'm having hard time doing my daily chores so I rest in-between them. I'll know late in April how the Cancer is doing within. I let my daughter know which lives about 30 minutes away and haven't seen her since. Guess I have cooties. Her and My deceased Sons Dad has been assisting me as my driver - he has some medical situations that I'd never push him over his limits. If my Son was here he'd help everyday. I will inquire on home help in April if I've become worse. Thanks for the advice.  Was informed I have 5 years for clearance and 7 for positive for no return. If I wouldn't have switched Dr's I know I'd be in worse condition. I'm very grateful for my new Dr

Rita and Miss Willow (USA = PA)1 month ago

Howdy Mick,
Monday, last one in Feb I think.  I def was taken back with your words. I had no idea you Lost your Wife...more so tooooo 1 of the worst ways.
  I feel its just as unfair to the "caregiver" or spouse as is for one living through. (If one can live through).  I've known quite a few which haven't and are aware of my chances. So far in my gene pool  generation - I'm the only granddaughter which has inherited the gene - as it missed a generation.  Actually have been dealing with since March of '22.
How long did your Wife have to physically and mentally absorb this torture?  I'm sure you were her Strongest leverage during this infinity fatigue with all its side effects plus.  I don't wanna bring up awful memories for you Mick, I'm extra wrong for doing so. Tho surely A Proud Wife indeed too have a Husband of your Stature and Gentleness Caring for Her at any moment.  Deep Romance Love is Rare. Happiness and sadness with lots of whys and wtf's involved for your minds and hearts.
   Best part is you were able too share years of your life with a Extra Special Woman who no one can fill her smile - her everyday while, plus.
   May Your Wife be being able too

Rita and Miss Willow (USA = PA)1 month ago

Hi Mick,
Hope your February is going smoothly.
Mine is extremely frigid - not healthy for man nor beast : )
    Sending a small explanation on why I've not been splashing your garden (nor a few others) as often. I know you're not nosy...I'm just tossing this  not for sorrow either... I just  completed my 4th week of Chemo and it's tiring trying to run a home and all.
     Be Good to yourself every day Mick.
Cheers for a nice weeks end for You and your Pup.

Hilary and liquid1 month, 1 week ago

Yes some sort of problem countrywide,  been resolved about an hour , sane here x

Walter and ร‘arwiq (HR)1 month, 2 weeks ago

ty ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Amira and Amira 1 month, 3 weeks ago


Hilary and liquid1 month, 3 weeks ago

i see, would def say no to the rettenden one , have you seen all these ghost photos on FB dont know where they came from i looked at one perhaps now loads on there, quite interesting some say fake some say real its quite interesting

Hilary and liquid1 month, 3 weeks ago

no i wouldnt very dodgy xxxxx plenty more out there, do people contact your group direct? just up the postoffice hope not a queue lol x

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Here Be Dragons (Level I)
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Reach For The Stars (Level I)
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Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level I)
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One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level I)
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The Ugly Bug Ball (Level I)
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Spooky Sprinkling (Level I)
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Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level I)
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Luck Of The Irish (Level I)
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Fun In The Sun (Level I)
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