
TypeLucky Fairy
Born OnMarch 23rd (age: 15 years, 4 months)
Human's NameLois
Sprinkle Gold 


Gary and Nocturna1 day, 16 hours ago

Good morning Lois, all entry stuff done, all the tests, spoke to the boss lady of the clinik, so now have to wait 3 hours before I get the initial rehab plan. I already know tomorrow is gonna be blood tests, got a nice view over the Nah Valley, really steep sides full of grape vines. Dinner was fine, 16:45 is the cantine presentation not that exciting although they will give a warning if you dont check in for dinner, if they cannot find you in minutes .... either room, tannoy, then they start making calls to the police, nearby hospitals and so on. There is no escape !!! Enjoy Friday eve have a great start with great coffee (of course you will)

Gary and Nocturna2 days, 7 hours ago

Thank you Lois all positive vibes gratefully accepted I keep double checking not just the cases but the lists they sent and the on line forms. Taking one more break from it all then last check gonna have to bite the bullet and close the cases sometime !

Gary and Nocturna2 weeks, 2 days ago

Hi Lois sounds like a bad one your way, havent checked here yet for damage but it was violent, roof was trembling every time after Zeus drank a shot. Be careful how you start sorting it out dd,

Gary and Nocturna2 weeks, 3 days ago

wahhhhh 42 thats h.h.h.h.ot. hit 24 here no idea what tomorrow brings, the city in this weather terrible the concrete heats up and it radiates and you ,  walk n cook as its called.
Hospital went really well, intensive was busy so not much time but had a nice 1/2 hour in the next level up ward the cardio surgery recovery shared a decaff coffee and tarryed a while, a really nice day. Time to turn in , havent even looked at the weather , off to Z land and see what turns up. Goodnight Lois , hope the power cuts doesnt affect the fridge etc . Be safe x

Gary and Nocturna3 weeks ago

Well time to call it a night, working on chores until 40? Heroine , no chance I would have , I find 30 as uncomfortable and go into lazy mode. Having done all the admin chores attention now turns to the physical ones, but not before a good nights sleep, delicous coffee and a visit to market. Having Germany lose tonight in the quarter final i expect a pretty solmenn morning indeed. Goodnight Lois enjoy your rest you earned it !

Lynn and Lynn & Desi Are Struggling To Find Cake:)3 weeks, 1 day ago

ty Lois for spotting the bfm💙💜

Gary and Nocturna4 weeks, 1 day ago

H Lois 29 Versus 30 but here its mid afternoon guess the winner for hottest day is a foregone conclusion. Water intake can be upped to 2 Litres but I must get on the scales and evening and morning , any sudden increase and stop. Just in time for the summer though getting by on 1.5l is not easy when its 30 plus, house is cool inside, built in 1300s - Napoleon parked his army in the yard as well as all the others house here in the old-statd as its called, 1 metre thick stone ground level, as the temp goes, floor 1 - 18 deg , 2 -23, 3 - 26 you know where I am staying, gonna have a cold salad then out in the yard and sit on the cellar door freshhold , in there its 14 brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Lynn and Lynn & Desi Are Struggling To Find Cake:)1 month ago

ty Lois for spotting💙

Lynn and Lynn & Desi Are Struggling To Find Cake:)1 month ago

ty Lois for spotting the bfm💙

Gary and Nocturna1 month ago

Good morning Lois geees hope you got enough rest to tackle the challenges of today, fingers crossed no storm damage. Its not always easy to spot when I lived in London there was a real severe storm almost hurrican force overnight, saw no damage next day then a few weeks later notice water leaking in the roof. It made a tile loose but unseen to the naked eye, doesnt take much. Hope those flying things werent anything special and lucky you werent hit by any, mass times acceleration gives even the smallest things quite a punch when you hit you. Take a slow start to the day and enjoy a coffee or two before doing anything , a good start prepares for the adventures of the day, with luck the storm didnt return overnight. Good morning and welcome to Sunday another week almost done, not long before xmas is nearer than the year start  going fast x

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Quests Completed
Beth is Quest Level II, and has completed these Quests:
Level II Quests
(0 of 20 Quests Completed)
Black & White (Level II)
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On Safari (Level II)
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Tall Birds (Level II)
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Gone Fishing (Level II)
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Spots & Stripes (Level II)
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This Is Nuts! (Level II)
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Space Invaders (Level II)
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Raining Cats & Dogs (Level II)
Not yet completed
Giants (Level II)
Not yet completed
Horns & Tusks (Level II)
Not yet completed
Mouse Hunter (Level II)
Not yet completed
Bunny Business (Level II)
Not yet completed
Here Be Dragons (Level II)
Not yet completed
Reach For The Stars (Level II)
Not yet completed
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level II)
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One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level II)
Not yet completed
Random Assortment (Level II)
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Seasonal Quests
Be My Valentine (Level II)
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Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level II)
Not yet completed
Luck Of The Irish (Level II)
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Level I Quests
(3 of 19 Quests Completed)
Mouse Hunter (Level I)
Best spotting time:
36 minutes, 50 seconds
Nice Weather For Ducks (Level I)
Best spotting time:
17 minutes, 35 seconds
The Tortoise And The Hare (Level I)
Not yet completed
Bunny Business (Level I)
Not yet completed
Watch The Birdie (Level I)
Best spotting time:
6 minutes, 51 seconds
Here Be Dragons (Level I)
Not yet completed
Reach For The Stars (Level I)
Not yet completed
Wrigglies (Level I)
Not yet completed
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level I)
Not yet completed
One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level I)
Not yet completed
The Ugly Bug Ball (Level I)
Not yet completed
Random Assortment (Level I)
Not yet completed
Seasonal Quests
Think Pink (Level I)
Not yet completed
Spooky Sprinkling (Level I)
Not yet completed
Winter Wonderland (Level I)
Not yet completed
Be My Valentine (Level I)
Not yet completed
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level I)
Not yet completed
Luck Of The Irish (Level I)
Not yet completed
Fun In The Sun (Level I)
Not yet completed

Total Earnings: 156 Scrolls

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