❤️🐱🐱****🌈 Tom's Garden 😒🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🌈***.🐱🐱❤️ 

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 The Garden Wall  

Nina and .ღஜღ Sofia Tinkerbell ~ Freedom Fairyღஜ?18 minutes, 47 seconds ago


Jada and Jinxie •´*•.( ◕¸◕).•*`•1 hour, 14 minutes ago

👩🏻/   ђєℓℓσ
Thanks for the visit 💖

Susan and Gwindor1 hour, 23 minutes ago

Come visit the Dew Drop Inn ...I return all visits but don't always sprinkle....feel free to do the same in our garden. Save your gold if nothing is due or you are needing a critter that's due. Dew drop inn. Happy Gardening!

Beatrice and Beasly1 hour, 59 minutes ago

🐝Returning your visit and to thank you if you spotted anything in my garden.. I watered if I thought something was due..

Matilda and Sandy2 hours, 35 minutes ago

🌺 Have a lovely day my friend🌺
ღ 🌺¸.
🌺 ৲(🍃♥.•

Gail and Kiki Poo(toronto Ont.3 hours, 52 minutes ago


Jude and The Banshees3 hours, 54 minutes ago


Josefin and The Sleepy Fairy4 hours ago

         🐦 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑠 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 :)                        

Sharon and Willa ™♥♥The Mushroom Queens♥♥4 hours, 43 minutes ago

      ▲ ▲  Happy Caturday ☃️🐈‍⬛🐧
    ≈﴾░░ ﴿≈ sfo  🍄💦
      /´¯`\    🎄☃️ Morning ~☕️
     (░░ ░)  ) 🐧Sprinkles 🧊
Ty for the visit & spots ⛄️💦

CLaudia and Mayita4 hours, 58 minutes ago

Came to return the sprinkles

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Garden Owners
About This Garden
❤️🐱🐱****🌈 Tom's Garden 😒🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🌈***.🐱🐱❤️
2nd June 2015, was the day my gorgeous cat went over the rainbow bridge,,,,, this is Abbey,,, mother of Tom’s babies

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Levels Completed! (596856 Scrolls)
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Garden Level 42

Garden News
elfie matt froze the Garden
(9 hours ago)
Amelia spotted a Elephant here, earning 5 Diamonds!
(9 hours, 11 minutes ago)
Amelia watered the Supershroom
(9 hours, 11 minutes ago)
Bluebell. watered the Apis Melliflora
(9 hours, 20 minutes ago)
Lynn watered the Dulcia Somniflora
(9 hours, 27 minutes ago)
Ana watered the Supershroom
(9 hours, 28 minutes ago)

Garden Age
14 years, 6 months

Report This Garden
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...

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