Kitchen Witch's Scullery 

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Deborah and Enchantra (Newcastle ON Can) 1 minute, 54 seconds ago

I often have talked about Ryle "sniffing" on my lap. It truly is a "whoosh" of air and just a little "snot". He sits upstairs with me in the mornings and I let him have a short Bully stick. Once he's done he always wants more so he comes and sits under my desk and looks up at me. I basically ignore him. He's had a treat and really doesn't need another so I tell him no he is done. He then "snuffs" on me and looks at me intently. I know what he wants - but I have said "no."  I wait until he is quiet and not snuffing - then I take one of the treats and break it in half - I give him half - he realizes that it is half and I'm serious so he will lay down. It's a ritual with us one that I encourage when I give him the half. These are the little pleasures in our life so enjoy them. Happy Friday.
Worm alert

Sheryl and Smelf2 minutes ago

wrc alert

Michelle and The Blue Dahlia24 minutes, 31 seconds ago

♥ Sprinkle ♥

Joanne and Betty31 minutes, 19 seconds ago

Good afternoon x

Janet and Bella33 minutes, 57 seconds ago


Kerimcan and Filly50 minutes, 42 seconds ago


Valarae and Mistea & Master Asher The Pupper. 1 hour, 3 minutes ago

(¯`🌻´¯) .   .•*¨`*•♫.•´*.¸.•´
   *.¸.*. * ´`'*°.* . *
           ¸.•´     🌸     ,-. /
          (                    \ //         
                   🌼        / \\
                              `-’ \

Michelle and Tyler2 hours, 48 minutes ago

⋱  ⋮  ⋰        ⁀˅⁀
⋯ ◯ ⋯  ⁀˅⁀          ⁀˅⁀
⋰  ⋮  ⋱ 

Sue and Her Garden Angels (FFU)2 hours, 50 minutes ago

Howdy! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Val and Fayette 2 hours, 51 minutes ago

𝓖𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓝𝓲𝓬𝓴𝔂, 𝓮𝓷𝓳𝓸𝔂 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝔁𝔁🤗

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Garden Owners
Nicky and Berry Iceshimmer
Berry Iceshimmer is thanking everyone who has helped out with the Mosasaurus, from those who sprinkled to those who so kindly didn't. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!
About This Garden
Kitchen Witch's Scullery
Flame, as the elderly gentleman of the group, has decided that if the puplets get to look after Berry and her garden, then so does he. Please play nicely, we don't want to upset the furries!

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Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level IV (2109 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Enchantra (Newcastle ON Can) watered the Carmena Uniflora
(2 minutes, 3 seconds ago)
Smelf watered the Luna Serena
(2 minutes, 10 seconds ago)
Smelf watered the Dulcia Somniflora
(22 minutes, 10 seconds ago)
The Blue Dahlia watered the Cumulus Albiflorus
(24 minutes, 35 seconds ago)
Betty watered the Birthday Plant
(31 minutes, 21 seconds ago)
Bella watered the Luna Serena
(33 minutes, 59 seconds ago)

Garden Age
16 years

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  Cumulus Albiflorus  
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  Birthday Plant  
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  Bird Mix (Organic)  
Status:5 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 hour, 7 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
(Nothing, yet!)
  Carmena Uniflora  
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  Luna Serena  
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  Dulcia Somniflora  
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  Bird Mix (Organic)  
Status:5 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 hour, 7 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
(Nothing, yet!)
  Nesting Rock  
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