
Bluebell is trying to grow a sunflower taller
[Last updated 1003 days ago]
Born OnMarch 27th (age: 16 years)
Human's NameJudith
GardenThe peace Garden
Sprinkle Gold 


Suzanne and Buster B 4 days, 3 hours ago

Thanks for spotted the seahorse, Judith~ I don't understand why it didn't give me eyes though~

Linda and Linda6 days, 12 hours ago

We spent the day in London yesterday visiting Tav then we all went to my mums. Was a lovely but tiring day so today up early for Grand Prix then have to catch up on house work x

Nancy and C T From ON. Canada1 month ago

If  you are trying for a baby red  you need a low  table.   Good Luck

Linda and Linda1 month ago

Oh no so much going around at the moment. Hope you managed to go out as planned. Pretty quiet weekend pottered in the garden Saturday as weather was so nice then Dinesh treated us to lunch for our anniversary then went to see the new Bridget jones Sunday x

Linda and Linda1 month, 3 weeks ago

That’s nice glad you are finding time to get and and enjoy yourself.
I have had a chest infection so was in bed for a couple of days, back at work now though x

Linda and Linda2 months ago

You need it sometimes, I had a quiet one to as the previous weekend we was in London so needed a quiet one x

Linda and Linda2 months, 2 weeks ago

That sounds lovely glad you are getting out and about. How are you feeling now?
I was in London Saturday spending time with my parents then went to have lunch at Tavs and spent time with my grandson he’s looking so much like tav xx

Debbie and Seymour The Insomniac2 months, 2 weeks ago

Stopped by - hope all is well

Linda and Linda3 months, 3 weeks ago

I’m so glad it’s all coming together.
Yesterday morning we had our Christmas fete at the nursery raised over £800 for the British heart foundation 😊 today as it’s wet again I am watching f1 and some football and writing Christmas cards so a nice chilled Sunday x

Linda and Linda3 months, 4 weeks ago

Oh bless you hope you get som answers and start to get better soon. I’ve had flu symptoms since having flu jab cough is annoying xx

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Quests Completed
Bluebell is Quest Level IV, and has completed these Quests:
Level IV Quests
(1 of 21 Quests Completed)
Baby Be Mine (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Flying The Nest (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Happy Families (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Endangered (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Mouse Hunter (Level IV)
Best spotting time:
28 minutes, 57 seconds
Reach For The Stars (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Black & White (Level IV)
Not yet completed
On Safari (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Gone Fishing (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Spots & Stripes (Level IV)
Not yet completed
This Is Nuts! (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Space Invaders (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Butterflies Flutter By (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Just Deserts (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level IV)
Not yet completed
One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Horns & Tusks (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Random Assortment (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Seasonal Quests
Be My Valentine (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level IV)
Not yet completed
Luck Of The Irish (Level IV)
Not yet completed

Level III Quests
(7 of 25 Quests Completed)
Rainforest Run (Level III)
Best spotting time:
1 minute, 49 seconds
The Land Downunder (Level III)
Not yet completed
Hummingbird Happiness (Level III)
Not yet completed
Butterflies Flutter By (Level III)
Not yet completed
Fairy Nuff (Level III)
Not yet completed
Just Deserts (Level III)
Not yet completed
I Believe I Can Fly (Level III)
Not yet completed
Almost Human (Level III)
Not yet completed
Nice Weather For Ducks (Level III)
Not yet completed
The Tortoise And The Hare (Level III)
Best spotting time:
1 month, 1 week
Watch The Birdie (Level III)
Best spotting time:
3 days, 16 hours
Here Be Dragons (Level III)
Not yet completed
Tall Birds (Level III)
Not yet completed
Wrigglies (Level III)
Not yet completed
Raining Cats & Dogs (Level III)
Not yet completed
The Ugly Bug Ball (Level III)
Not yet completed
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level III)
Not yet completed
Giants (Level III)
Not yet completed
Random Assortment (Level III)
Not yet completed
Seasonal Quests
Think Pink (Level III)
Not yet completed
Spooky Sprinkling (Level III)
Best spotting time:
8 minutes, 27 seconds
Winter Wonderland (Level III)
Best spotting time:
3 hours, 38 minutes
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level III)
Best spotting time:
1 day, 22 hours
Luck Of The Irish (Level III)
Not yet completed
Fun In The Sun (Level III)
Best spotting time:
10 minutes, 23 seconds

Level II Quests
(5 of 20 Quests Completed)
Black & White (Level II)
Not yet completed
On Safari (Level II)
Not yet completed
Tall Birds (Level II)
Not yet completed
Gone Fishing (Level II)
Not yet completed
Spots & Stripes (Level II)
Not yet completed
This Is Nuts! (Level II)
Best spotting time:
8 hours, 13 minutes
Space Invaders (Level II)
Not yet completed
Raining Cats & Dogs (Level II)
Not yet completed
Giants (Level II)
Not yet completed
Horns & Tusks (Level II)
Not yet completed
Mouse Hunter (Level II)
Best spotting time:
28 minutes, 18 seconds
Bunny Business (Level II)
Best spotting time:
3 weeks, 3 days
Here Be Dragons (Level II)
Best spotting time:
5 days, 17 hours
Reach For The Stars (Level II)
Not yet completed
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level II)
Not yet completed
One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level II)
Not yet completed
Random Assortment (Level II)
Not yet completed
Seasonal Quests
Be My Valentine (Level II)
Not yet completed
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level II)
Best spotting time:
2 days, 13 hours
Luck Of The Irish (Level II)
Not yet completed

Level I Quests
(13 of 19 Quests Completed)
Mouse Hunter (Level I)
Best spotting time:
22 hours, 1 minute
Nice Weather For Ducks (Level I)
Best spotting time:
1 day, 4 hours
The Tortoise And The Hare (Level I)
Best spotting time:
2 days, 20 hours
Bunny Business (Level I)
Best spotting time:
1 day, 6 hours
Watch The Birdie (Level I)
Best spotting time:
5 hours, 6 minutes
Here Be Dragons (Level I)
Best spotting time:
2 days, 11 hours
Reach For The Stars (Level I)
Best spotting time:
1 day, 20 hours
Wrigglies (Level I)
Not yet completed
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level I)
Best spotting time:
3 days, 21 hours
One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level I)
Not yet completed
The Ugly Bug Ball (Level I)
Not yet completed
Random Assortment (Level I)
Not yet completed
Seasonal Quests
Think Pink (Level I)
Not yet completed
Spooky Sprinkling (Level I)
Best spotting time:
55 seconds
Winter Wonderland (Level I)
Best spotting time:
2 minutes, 44 seconds
Be My Valentine (Level I)
Not yet completed
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level I)
Best spotting time:
1 hour, 48 minutes
Luck Of The Irish (Level I)
Best spotting time:
1 day
Fun In The Sun (Level I)
Best spotting time:
30 minutes, 28 seconds

Total Earnings: 2202 Scrolls
Pottery Lottery Quests
May 2023
February 2023

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