
Born OnDecember 5th (age: 15 years, 3 months)
Human's NameJoyce
GardenMolly's Garden
Sprinkle Gold 


Danny and Kate My Wife . I Lost The Love Of My Life On7/7/2218 hours, 5 minutes ago

Good morning hon. I’m glad you were able to get out for a bit to do a little shopping. I’m sure a lot of people will be using plastic eggs this year lol. Hope it works out well. I know it’s have to be great when Mr Jude stops by with a big smile on his face lol. I went for my test yesterday. I never had one of these before. It was a Cat Scan with the stuff they put into your Arteries. I even had to take a Nitroglycerin tablet. Lucky I didn’t get a headache from it lol. But they were checking to see if I had any Clots Artery’s. I got the results sent to me yesterday. Looks to me everything is Normal. But I will wait to hear from my doctor. I know they sent a copy to my Primary doctor. So I called yesterday to make sure they send a copy to my heart doctor. Dinner was great last night. The Restaurant is still packed with people from out of state lol. Mostly people from up north we can see the tags on the cars lol. We didn’t stay long because we knew people were still waiting on a table. I had two other ladies riding with me. My Neighbor and a friend that was Driving me around after I was in the hospital. So afterwards we went to Dairy Queen for ice cream lol. It’s was a beautiful night out. It’s like one of those nights you don’t want to end lol. Today I will relax. Good luck with getting your swing tomorrow. Have a wonderful safe day hugs.

Danny and Kate My Wife . I Lost The Love Of My Life On7/7/221 day, 19 hours ago

Good morning hon. I’m glad everything is okay with with both of your men lol. I have my test here shortly I’m getting ready for that. Hope you have a wonderful day out. Tonight I will have dinner out with my friends. So that will be nice. Enjoy your day have fun keep safe hugs.

Danny and Kate My Wife . I Lost The Love Of My Life On7/7/222 days, 17 hours ago

Good morning hon. I’m glad he loved his gifts. I hope he feels better soon. Hopefully it nothing serious that you will catch. Good luck with your husband doctor appointment. It’s funny how things like that happen lol. I had a very sore index finger a couple weeks ago and I don’t remember jamming it or anything but it took a week to feel better. I even had to wrap my finger up at night time so I wouldn’t hurt it in my sleep lol. It’s strange how things happens. Yes we do need some rain. I even turned the sprinkler system on yesterday to water the grass. It’s very dry. Hope you have a wonderful day enjoy keep safe hugs.

Danny and Kate My Wife . I Lost The Love Of My Life On7/7/223 days, 18 hours ago

Good morning hon. I’m sure he will love everything. I think he is just happy coming to your home and visiting with you both lol. You just have to keep an eye on him he will be fast running around lol. We are in a dry season here. We haven’t had rain in a long while now. Some places need it. We also have some fires in different areas that needed some rain to keep everything wet. Have a great day today. Enjoy the time with Mr Jude have fun stay safe hugs.

Danny and Kate My Wife . I Lost The Love Of My Life On7/7/224 days, 18 hours ago

Good morning hon. I’m glad everything is working out. The swing will be nice. The only bad problem we have here in Florida is nothing last long setting outside in the sun. I keep most of my stuff in the garage and take it out when I want to use it. Now you can set and watch the trees Bloom in the front or the back yard. I know when my grandkids were little I would get them a lot of learning things. They will learn so much faster at that age. We will be in the 80’s for as least the next seven days. I have a feeling the temperature will start to go higher before long. Right now it’s feels good. Enjoy the rest of your weekend get some rest and keep getting better. Stay safe hugs.

Danny and Kate My Wife . I Lost The Love Of My Life On7/7/225 days, 18 hours ago

Happy Saturday hon. I’m sure Mr Jude and your husband will enjoy the swing lol. We had one here when we first moved here the people before us left it here. But setting outside it dry Rotted. It also had a top over it. So we got rid of it. I never did replace it. It great that you are getting Mr Jude the learning puzzles. I did the samething with my grandkids. You have to teach them while they are very young. You are right about some people taking advantage of people. When my brother was living and after I moved here they came for a visit during the winter months and stay four months. My wife and I just about had enough lol. So I guess she thinks she can do it as well lol. She stays in the bedroom most of the time. Hopefully she doesn’t make a habit of it lol. Good luck with your hearing. I hope it gets much better and stay that way. I’m glad you left the place you were getting your taxes done. Stay away from sick people. It’s funny I keep my hands clean when I’m around people and most of the people I go out with to eat next clean their hands at the dinner table after looking at the menu lol. Only me and one woman does. The funny thing is they all are sick most of the time when they have to stay home lol. But people will not learn lol. Have a wonderful safe weekend hugs.

Danny and Kate My Wife . I Lost The Love Of My Life On7/7/226 days, 4 hours ago

Good evening hon. I can understand your son being worried about you where you were living. Some of these bigger towns have a lot of crime going on. I can see the difference in Maryland when I go back to visit. It looks so rugged around the area anymore. It never looked that bad 11 years ago when I left there. It’s getting worse. Hopefully you will get used to the air quality after being there a couple more years. I know the air is different down here than it is in Maryland. I’m still sleeping on the couch right now. But my back is not giving me any trouble. Funny you ask about my guess lol. She asked me today if she could stay until the second week of April lol. That would give her I believe two months here or about lol. It’s not too much trouble. I still do my thing and I just let her do what she does lol. I don’t invite her out to dinner when I go out on Wednesday nights just because she has her dog with her and the Restaurant we go to is a small place and very busy. You have to wait for a table this time of year. But I don’t think anyone would want the dog in a place like that. I don’t ask her to go anyplace with me because I really don’t want the dog in my car. So she does what she needs to and I leave it that way. I did have a nice time out last week. It’s always nice to get out of the house and spend time with friends. I do enjoy going out. Next Wednesday I should be getting the test done for my heart doctor and hopefully they will set up surgery soon. Have a wonderful safe weekend. Don’t over do it get better soon hugs.

Joyce and Molly6 days, 20 hours ago

Good morning, Danny. Yes, we moved here to be closer to our family. Actually, our son was worried about all the crime going on in and around Milwaukee. He was so worried about us. We were here when I learned about the air and allergies from the doctor. Oh well, could be worst. I also hope the medication works. Hope I don't need a procedure of any kind. Lol. Today we are doing our taxes. I seen a tree in full bloom with pink flowers, so pretty. Just waiting for our trees that have the white blossoms to bloom. How was your evening out? Do you know how long your company is staying? We haven't gone to look for a mattress yet. Will let you know. Told my hubby it is his back. He is looking for a patio swing today. I have to make him focus on one thing at a time. Lol. Have a great weekend. Blessings.

Danny and Kate My Wife . I Lost The Love Of My Life On7/7/221 week ago

Good morning hon. Wow that is something else we can look forward to when we get older lol. I hope it gets better for you. It’s spring already lol. That’s the hardest thing to tell here in Florida lol. It’s like spring all year around lol. But with the oak leaves falling from my neighbors tree it feels more like Fall. That’s something else I’m going to have to do is get the rest of the leaves up again. Hopefully it they will be done soon. You moved to Ohio to be closer to your family Right? I hear of people moving to different places so they can breathe better. I hope you don’t have trouble all year around. Have a great day just rest and get better. Keep safe hugs.

Danny and Kate My Wife . I Lost The Love Of My Life On7/7/221 week, 1 day ago

Good morning hon. I’m glad you know what the problem is but not to happy to hear that. I hope the medication works. Did you asked him what causes it? Let me know what type of mattress you get and if it works for your husband. My son and his wife bought my mattress that I have now. Hope you both feel better real soon. I have dinner out tonight. Enjoy your day stay safe and relax hugs.

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Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level I)
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Luck Of The Irish (Level I)
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