Kate My Wife . I Lost The Love Of My Life On7/7/22

Kate My Wife . I Lost The Love Of My Life On7/7/22 From Cancer. I love you sweetheart for ever.
[Last updated 969 days ago]
Born OnMarch 23rd (age: 13 years)
Human's NameDanny
Garden The Sunshine state garden.
Sprinkle Gold 


Joyce and Molly1 day ago

Good morning, Danny. How was your test? When will you get the results? How was your evening out with the ladies? We went shopping after hubby had to do labs. We got some different size plastic eggs with candy and stickers for the Easter egg hunt and some special eggs like spiderman, princess, cartoon Bluey. We decided to pick up the swing on Friday. We went out for breakfast and then came home to relax. Mr. Jude's sister forgot her stuff dog on Tuesday, so they stopped by and Jude had a big smile as hubby said hi and see you. Yes, I guess I do have two men. Lol. Have a good day. lessings.

Joyce and Molly1 day, 23 hours ago

Good morning, Danny. Jude is feeling better now. She took him to a clinic and could not find anything wrong with Jude. He is in a growing spritz so who knows. I am just glad he was full of energy yesterday even though I needed a nap. Lol. Hubby went to the doctor, he is fine, back is fine. Yep, some invisible source did it. Today we have no Jude so we will pick up the swing, give blood for hubby, go out for breakfast. Have a nice day. Blessings.

Joyce and Molly3 days ago

Good morning, Danny. Mr. Jude loved his little books and his puzzle that makes the sounds of the animals. He isn't feeling that good all the time. I believe he needs a checkup. He was coming to sit on my lap often and putting his head against me. Something isn't right. I told his mom. We have been getting rain almost every day. Friday should be nice but then the rest of the week rain again. Too bad I couldn't send some your way. Hubby has a doctor appointment today. His back is much better. Strange that it happened at all. I do tell him often to watch his back especially when he picks up Jude, me too. Have a good day. Blessings.

Joyce and Molly4 days ago

Good morning, Danny. Glad you are having good weather. We won't get the 70's till Friday. Excited to show Mr. Jude his new learning gifts. Should be fun. Weekend was quiet. Hubby made a fire in the fireplace the last two days. Rain all weekend. Glad to see the sun out today. Enjoy your day. Blessings.

Christine and Netty4 days, 13 hours ago

Goodnight Danny ! I am still checking when i can get on, My doctor phoned me Friday morning increased steroids and antibiotic's as what ever bug i caught and chest infection has sent my asthma out of control so it will take time to settle the doctor said its slow process as because of one bug it had knock on effect started chest then asthma and now sugars utterly going through the roof, my BP is still on low side so he also reduced a tablet i take for now, So all in all i am Knackerd haha.. I hope everything is ok your end Danny sending hugs xxxxx

Joyce and Molly4 days, 23 hours ago

Good morning, Danny. I agree about teaching the very young. Jude seems like he needs to learn how to do stuff. He practices putting the seat belt on his chair and his car seat over and over he clips it together. He can't unclip it so that is my job. Lol. I am anxious for him to do this new puzzle we bought. He was checking the lock on our patio door and figured how to make the sound of unlocking it. Maybe it is a sign he will be a very smart engineer one day or a bank robber. Lol. Weather has been cool. We won't feel warmth till next Friday. We will have to get a tarp for the swing during the winter months. Hope that will help keep it dry. I do think Mr. Jude and his papa will enjoy themselves on the swing. My son used to follow his great grandpa around too. I know when my other granddaughter was here with her 10-month-old baby boy he would stare at hubby also. Must be something felt? A  smile? Don't know but hubby eats it up. Have a good Sunday. Blessings.

Joyce and Molly5 days, 23 hours ago

Good morning, Danny. We went to have our taxes done and the woman was sick, so we left them to be done another day. We bought a patio swing. My Hubby was talking about getting one since last year, so we bought a red one. Hubby is talking about Mr. Jude enjoying the swing. Lol. Then we went to the half price bookstore for a puzzle and a couple of books for Mr. Jude. I bought him one puzzle and he does it over and over, so it was time for another. This puzzle makes sounds. Different zoo animals and when you put the pieces in the correct place the animal makes a sound or a happy growl. Yes, some company will try to take advantage by staying as long as possible and think nothing of it. I have a brother-in-law and his wife like that. They take advantage of family. Oh well, my hubby just tells me leave it alone. Lol Hope everything is good with your heart for surgery. I have no popping in my left ear yet. I am using the spray. Fingers crossed. Have a nice weekend. Blessings.

Roxanne and Ella6 days, 11 hours ago

Hello Danny, So very happy to be back on Fairyland with all  of you.. I was in the Cortfort Inn in Orange County. After 7 days in a Hotel with my son..Im so happy to be Home.. They did a Wonderful job In my Condo..It is Very nice..but When I got home there was No Internet Connection for almost 2 weeks! I was So Upset.. We had to change our Carrier to Spectrum instead.. No we have A Nice setup with our new Cable company!Hope you are doing well. And having your relaxation time for Yourself..You take Care.. Hugs And Blessings your way! xo

Mary and Chrystal1 week ago

good night Danny, lovely to hear from you. I hope you are well. We had a few   warm spring  days, so flowers are  blooming.  I ought to have been pottering in the garden, but got  side tracked with the knitting.  I will bring Sarah's dog here  in the morning till Sunday, a bit of  company  for me.  I went to see my sister on Monday. She is  ok,  just  confused. She was pleased to see me. She lives  near the RAF base at Waddington, Lincoln, and the Red Arrows   planes were  training. Nice to have a free air display. When I got back to the  station, there was a steam train there.  I  do like to see them. Bed time now. Good  night, take care xx

Joyce and Molly1 week, 1 day ago

Good morning, Danny. Happy First Day of Spring. The doctor said, Upper respiratory infections can cause fluid behind the ear. Also, as we get older the ear canal starts to get narrow, and we can get problems with our hearing. I also have sinus problems. Ohio is known for stuff in the air. Guess as we get older we need to duck more often. Lol. Blessings.

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