hilili's Garden 

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 The Garden Wall  

Anne Marie and Amso20 seconds ago

Go’morgen til dig 🐣🐣🐣

Jytte and Daizy (DK)2 hours, 4 minutes ago

morgenvand. Jeg kan godt forstå, du ikke vil risikere noget, dyr tager ikke hensyn til, om de er i familie. Hvorfor skal Andrew bære Sif? eller det er måske kun til hun selv er mobil igen og kan lege, de er jo stadig legebørn. Det er sidste gang morgenkaffe hos Asta, så må vi se, om vi andre 3 fortsætter, det må vi tage stilling til næste tirsdag, men jeg går til bageren på morgenturen, som jeg plejer. Når kaffeslabberasen er fordi, skal jeg en tur i Bilka i Slagelse efter maling, jeg vil gerne bruge samme slags maling til al mit træværk, og det er det, der er malet med fra starten. Her er diset og der lovet regnbyger i dag, så der skal ikke males noget. Tak for den lille gule baby søhest og god tirsdag

Ingeborg Karen and Kylie 2 hours, 6 minutes ago

Godt du kom forbi Jytte. Jeg glemte det fuldstændig igen. Ægget. Skal lige vågne.

Lorraine and Angel2 hours, 9 minutes ago


Ingeborg Karen and Kylie 2 hours, 12 minutes ago

Godmorgen. Det gule æg wobbler

Kathy and Chookie 2 hours, 31 minutes ago


Sandra and Glamour Ghoul2 hours, 37 minutes ago

Orange Baby Seahorse, ty

Brenda and ☆☀️* Bubble ☆☀️*2 hours, 42 minutes ago


Kathrine and …Sleipnir (East Africa)3 hours, 5 minutes ago

Was cooking eggs

Kathrine and …Sleipnir (East Africa)3 hours, 5 minutes ago

Maybe the next one

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Welcome to Fairyland!

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Garden Owners
Ellen and Hilili, East Africa
Hilili, East Africa is wishing all my FL friends a happy and prosperous new year xxx
About This Garden
hilili's Garden

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Levels Completed! (420220 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Hilili, East Africa froze the Garden
(1 hour, 51 minutes ago)
Hilili, East Africa removed a Yellow Eggshell
(2 hours, 6 minutes ago)
Kylie watered the Daffodil
(2 hours, 7 minutes ago)
Daizy (DK) spotted a Yellow Baby Seahorse here, earning 4 Diamonds!
(2 hours, 11 minutes ago)
Daizy (DK) watered the Enchanted Rainbow Mushroom
(2 hours, 11 minutes ago)
Kylie watered the Daffodil
(2 hours, 12 minutes ago)

Garden Age
11 years, 6 months

Report This Garden
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...

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