The Garden Wall Alix and Penelope9 minutes, 35 seconds agoNite hug 2 deg rain turning to freezing rain later,,snow missed us but was all around,,all ok here quiet day,,glad. You are safe,,poor kitty and the thunder,,cooked roast had supper now leftovers and kitchen mess to clean,, maybe make stew tomorrow. ,if I go out get carrots,,bulk carrots hard to find here at Moët and find bags of peeled not keepigifridge,,sad country at lent with stuff,,hate to bring produce hometo throw out,, bed with book soon,, happy Sunday tomorrow,,nite hug
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Hope's Garden( Ontario,Can.) A place where there is hope for the future. 10 minute alerts [info]
Public Garden Anyone can water at any time
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Levels Achieved Wildlife Level Legendary VII[show wildlife attracted] [show wildlife spotted] Quest Level IV (2535 Scrolls) [show quests completed] Garden Level 42 Garden News | Penelope watered the Bellis Lycaena (19 minutes, 9 seconds ago) | | Penelope watered the Pisces Astroflorus (19 minutes, 12 seconds ago) | | Bryn Burlington Ont Canada watered the Gathering Elves Mushrooms (1 hour, 23 minutes ago) | | Friends spotted a Red Squirrel here, earning 5 Diamonds! (1 hour, 49 minutes ago) | | Friends watered the Tulipa Praecocia (1 hour, 49 minutes ago) | | Mario And Boo watered the Pisces Astroflorus (1 hour, 59 minutes ago) |
Garden Age 15 years, 3 months
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