Andrea and Clementine And Q, The Gnome 10 minutes, 13 seconds ago
Hello Marnie and & The Puppalup's
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Good morning xx
Yay, It's Saturday, and I have no plans for today. Yesterday was really stressfull, because we had so many absent Co workers. But we got through and now I'm happy to have two days off. From next week on I'm covering a co workers early shift, so I'll have two early shifts a week but also on the second day I'll quit work an hour earlier than I do now, so it's not that bad.were having a partial solar eclipse today at noon, butit's pretty cloudy, so I don't knwo if I can see anything.
Have a great day xx
♥ ❤
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Good morning xx
Yay, It's Saturday, and I have no plans for today. Yesterday was really stressfull, because we had so many absent Co workers. But we got through and now I'm happy to have two days off. From next week on I'm covering a co workers early shift, so I'll have two early shifts a week but also on the second day I'll quit work an hour earlier than I do now, so it's not that bad.were having a partial solar eclipse today at noon, butit's pretty cloudy, so I don't knwo if I can see anything.
Have a great day xx