Kitchen Witch's Scullery 

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Tina and Twinkle Toes In England3 minutes, 55 seconds ago

Katerina and Ioli6 minutes, 40 seconds ago

Spotted a scuba-diving leprechaun
. Also got a pink diamond,
  .•❤️ ⭐️
💜`  •.❤ Τhank you¸•*。⭐️   

Lidia and ♥Eco♥♡♥️13 minutes, 13 seconds ago


Angela and The Rugrats16 minutes, 47 seconds ago

night x 

Sherri and Mimosa17 minutes, 41 seconds ago

 .¸\ĺ⁄, 💙♫  ♪ •.¸H e l l o !

Brandi and Jinx & Bo The Fabulous Fur Fairy Huntresses20 minutes, 53 seconds ago

sprinkles. Hi Nicky! x

Shaun and SuNfLoWeR ˜22 minutes, 1 second ago


Deborah and Enchantra (Newcastle ON Can) 25 minutes, 56 seconds ago

I found the tin of back yard toys in the rear hall. Rylee and Jojo now have two West Paw rubber throwing sticks. One green and one orange. The problem is that no matter which one Rylee has Jojo wants it. I toss out both and at first it seems to work - each dog has one - then - Jojo sees that Rylee has the other one and drops the one she has and goes for the one Rylee has. I just worry that Jojo will grab a chunk of Rylee's lip like she did last fall. Hubby watches and says Jojo only wants the one that Rylee has - no matter which one it is.  On the plus side it's easier to get them into the house when I'm ready to go in. Happy Tuesday.

Caz and Furbaby Luna 39 minutes, 50 seconds ago

Thanks sweet for the spot and ive don't the fish challenge..phew xxx

Lynn and Lubee Lo59 minutes, 36 seconds ago

🌺 Have a lovely day my friend🌺
ღ 🌺¸.
🌺 ৲(🍃♥.•

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Garden Owners
Nicky and Berry Iceshimmer
Berry Iceshimmer is thanking everyone who has helped out with the Mosasaurus, from those who sprinkled to those who so kindly didn't. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!
About This Garden
Kitchen Witch's Scullery
Flame, as the elderly gentleman of the group, has decided that if the puplets get to look after Berry and her garden, then so does he. Please play nicely, we don't want to upset the furries!

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level IV (2019 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Twinkle Toes In England watered the Shamrock
(3 minutes, 58 seconds ago)
Ioli spotted a Scuba-Diving Leprechaun here, earning 4 Diamonds!
(6 minutes, 41 seconds ago)
Ioli watered the Cumulus Albiflorus
(6 minutes, 41 seconds ago)
♥Eco♥♡♥️ watered the Shamrock
(13 minutes, 18 seconds ago)
♥Eco♥♡♥️ spotted a Scuba-Diving Leprechaun here, earning 4 Diamonds!
(13 minutes, 22 seconds ago)
♥Eco♥♡♥️ watered the Underwater Toadstool
(13 minutes, 22 seconds ago)

Garden Age
16 years

Report This Garden
  Cumulus Albiflorus  
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  Birthday Plant  
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  Luna Serena  
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  Underwater Toadstool  
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  Veggies (Superfood)  
Status:18 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 hour, 31 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Scuba-Diving Leprechaun
Arrived 14 minutes, 5 seconds ago
Spotted by ♥Eco♥♡♥️ after 43 seconds
Reward: 4   1
Scuba-Diving Leprechaun
Arrived 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
Spotted by Thorn Goblinshimmer after 6 minutes, 35 seconds
Reward: 4
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  Veggies (Superfood)  
Status:18 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 hour, 31 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Scuba-Diving Leprechaun
Arrived 9 minutes, 44 seconds ago
Spotted by Ioli after 3 minutes, 3 seconds
Reward: 4   1
Scuba-Diving Leprechaun
Arrived 1 hour, 26 minutes ago
Spotted by Thorn Goblinshimmer after 6 minutes, 51 seconds
Reward: 4
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