Susan and Gwindor14 minutes, 38 seconds ago
Night time sprinkles.....ooops I accidentally deleted my last message from your front wall. I was looking to see where it got cut off at...I was winding it up and I thought I was in my garden but it was yours.....sorry Bestie. So glad your propane got delivered and that M made it home from his appointment. I hope you were able to relax and take a nap this afternoon...after some of the stress was relieved. After you telling me about what you said about Holly being a spoiled brat and how M become quiet and started defending her. If Ed and are having a discussion about his daughters and I see I'm going to far...I back down. As far as the great is what it is. No congratulations needed, you are probably right...we won't get to see him or probably not get photos either. We are prepared for it. I just don't want them to ever say we didn't think about them on their happy occasions. Molly's appointment was a long day for her. They really had to adjust her and made her yelp. they had not done a complete blood panel on her so Kathy thought it best. I thought it was wise. I sure hope Sis's blood work comes back either the same or better tomorrow. I will let you know when I know