Janet and Pink 1 minute, 13 seconds ago
I did some the the grocery shopping and spent ages this afternoon working on the puzzle. I cooked at lunch time as I'd brought some fresh fish, so I had the cod with some chips and peas. I was half way through eating it when who should come to my front door but Daryn. I knew he was at home today as I heard him working in his back garden. He came to ask me if I knew why there was a huge pile of sand in the field at the bottom of my garden!! He reckoned there was enough to build a house with. I said I had no idea but maybe the rugby club who have a lease on the field are going to build something like a stand. He reckons they can't do that without getting planning permission and we would need to be consulted about that as we live so close. So now I have 2 things I don't know and it's most annoying. LOL
Thanks for the Brown Bunny
Take care xxx