
Born OnMarch 25th (age: 13 years)
Human's NameEllen
GardenFariy's Garden
Sprinkle Gold 


Laura and Lemoncream And Ratbags The Gnome.8 months ago

I am okay except I missed a doctor's appointment on the 22nd of July. For some unknown reason I had it in my head that it was yesterday. When I checked just to confirm I discovered I'd miss the date. There good news as both the pet scan and the mammogram have come back clear. I am over the moon and I just need to get my life back in order now. Close to a new normal whatever that may be.
Have a good afternoon and smile all the while. Take care and be safe. White light and blessings.

Laura and Lemoncream And Ratbags The Gnome.8 months ago

Hello Sunshine how are you doing? Things are okay on this side of the pond and in my personal garden and my personal life. Can't say the same for fairyland as I got rather bored very quickly.
A trust by now you have finished dog sitting the sausage dog. We have a saying let you feed them 500 g of kibbles and they deposit five kilograms of pooh wherever you go. My aunt and uncle had is sausage dog which day 2 said used to pooh quite a lot. I hear you about not dog sitting miniatures in the future. Those are probably famous last words. How did Merlin deal with the sausage dog? I'm not particularly fond of little dogs. They bark for no rhyme reason. My neighbours is in number five tripehounds bark for no rhyme or reason and once they start they don't stop. The owners of Friends with number two and when they visit to these little creatures go with them. I can't walk around my garden without being barked at. I've taken to making sure the hosepipe is close at hand in order to give it a blast.

Mitzi and Evie & Jim And Marjorie ❤️❤️ 8 months, 1 week ago

Thanks for the nice comment about my butterfly. It is pretty spectacular xx

Laura and Lemoncream And Ratbags The Gnome.10 months, 1 week ago

Hello sunshine, you are right sometimes it's definitely difficult to be both smiley and upbeat. You are definitely none of these right now based on what you have disclosed. I'm so sorry to hear of Mervins passing. No words can ever let the grieving party how much you care, how sorry you are and how you wish them well when they are over the grieving process. Right now she may not believe you but inherently she knows there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel. I'll let you know about the scan results. Yiu wrote and posted the message here I suspect. White light and blessings to you, Caroline and Mervins friends.  Hugs

Ellen and Eno10 months, 1 week ago

Hi cherub... happy to hear you have been feeling better. It's hard at times to show a smiley face, let alone feel upbeat. Today is a bit of a down time. Mervin, Carolines brother, who has lived with cancer for a good few years, has lost the his fight. What can I say to her. All the trite words, all the old sayings, what comfort can they give, in the lonely nights, now she is alone. It makes me sad, and although I know it will get better, I doubt she will believe me.
Please let me know you PET scan results.
Hang in there, I know from your posts that you have a lot of support from your friends posts.
Just found this, don't know where it went, but here it is!!!
hang in there cherub.;-}

Laura and Lemoncream And Ratbags The Gnome.10 months, 3 weeks ago

Sunshine good morning, if I wasn't going to reply to your message about merlin saying hello I would not have read the message below. Thank you for that and yes I know. I've just got to get out the funk I'm in. Warm weather is good for you get out and soak up the rays. Remember loads of sunscreen and a big hat. Our days have been incredibly warm too which is not as it should be we heading into the last week's of winter. Only thing is no rain and apparently on the brink of a water shortage in my area. I have a PET scan on 21 May. Once I have the results I'll be a little better. A tad anxious at present. I am blessed I know that. I trust all will be well most if the time then the doubt sets in and I worry. Not ready to pop off yet. Have a lovely day and celebrate mother's day with the rest of the world tomorrow. Take care, blessings and hugs.

Ellen and Eno11 months ago

It's great to hear all is well in your part of the vine yard.
My garden is mostly grass, I have a small flower patch, One rose tree, one rose bush, one fuchsia bush lots of wild bluebells and  a hollyhock and a small white primular. Merlin is still asleep, and only goes out for a for hours in the evening. We are enjoying a few warm to hqt days, Keep hanging in there cherub, just keep an eye out for the lifelines Him up there, will also throw when things get tougher than they are now. My young friend Caroline keeps a daily journal, 10 things she is thankful for today. For me, I am so grateful for each new day, the time to just "do" what needs to done, to enjoy my time. I am so blessed. Each day is full of all those little things that make my life so happy. Family, friends, neighbours. So, talking of "him who must be fed" I am about to obey his meowing and long pointed staring at an empty cat food dish, and fed the brute! Catch up later. ;-}

Laura and Lemoncream And Ratbags The Gnome.11 months ago

The gardening has been fun. I have planted aubergines, peppers, broccoli and zucchini. I have had a number of plant from all plants. Onlying 4 of the impatients have flourished. I need to water daily now that boits of rain are few and far between. Felix is being typical male and has targeted us all for his  bouts of bad temper and quick to lash out with claws and attacks on Rassie.  Thank you for popping in with all the prayers and wishes. I'll see how long I can sit out this return to fairyland. 

Laura and Lemoncream And Ratbags The Gnome.11 months ago

I hope and pray that the brook/stream is still flowing but not as madly as it was a couple of months ago. Hahahaha our rainy season is at its end. We might get some rain between now and the end of June but not anything like we have had during the season.  Still hanging in there by my fingernails. The bloody tyre people replace all 4 tyres about 2 weeks ago and the idiots did not torque all 4 nuts on the front passenger wheel. I've been driving her not knowing this. When I went out a few days ago it sounded like she was falling apart. On a prayer I got her to the mechanical and he took her came back and found the fault. One of his workers torques all 4 wheels nuts. I able to go places with a bit more piece of mind.   

Laura and Lemoncream And Ratbags The Gnome.11 months ago

Hiya Sunshine. In january I started finalising the closure if a clients business.  It's been a battle , it's been stressful and it's been a lesson in human behaviour. I also have put on weight which doesn't sit well with me. I have been walking and doing yoga because I get out of breath. I'm trying to get my life to a new normal, including visits to doctors, the scans and the day before phone calls to say I have a scan. Taking care of me and my house is slowing coming into focus. I have a number of message to respond to.  A grandson  getting married to a wonderful girl is good news. Congratulations to all and may they live a long and happy life as a married couple where the love they have for one another grows daily.

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6 days, 1 hour
Nice Weather For Ducks (Level I)
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1 month, 1 week
The Tortoise And The Hare (Level I)
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Bunny Business (Level I)
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Watch The Birdie (Level I)
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Here Be Dragons (Level I)
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Reach For The Stars (Level I)
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Wrigglies (Level I)
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Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level I)
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One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level I)
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The Ugly Bug Ball (Level I)
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Random Assortment (Level I)
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Winter Wonderland (Level I)
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Be My Valentine (Level I)
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Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level I)
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Luck Of The Irish (Level I)
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Fun In The Sun (Level I)
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