
Born OnOctober 11th (age: 15 years, 5 months)
Human's NamePatricia
Gardensunnyside Legendary 10/02/2013;
Sprinkle Gold 


Sandi and Appleblossom (Sandi)13 hours, 18 minutes ago

Rain does the blossoms in so quickly though..!!  That is why I got a late bloomer for mine.. It was in the hopes that the later it bloomed the more chance I would have to see the blossoms..!!  Mine is a grafted single white and a double bright pink.. The white half blooms early though so actaully did not even see the blossoms until a couple of years ago.. So glad you had a lovely lunch out with the ladies..!!  Eryn and Alisha made pizza for dinner tonight..!  Eryn was so leased with herself for helping out..!!  It was really good ..!  Think she might like to try that again..!!  Hope you have a lovely day Loads of Love and Hugs..AND Happy Mothering Sunday..XXXX Spoil yourself..!!

Sandi and Appleblossom (Sandi)13 hours, 22 minutes ago

Hi Patricia..Well not really nice and still raining of course..But was surprised to have it clearing up late this evening.!  Will take it..!!  Randy has already put fuel in the lawn mower and taken it for a spin around the yard..!!!!!  The grass is too wet to mow..Like really soggy..!!!!  So will wait a couple of days and hope..!! It is slightly warmer than it has been.. My side job.....feeding Eryns little friends' kitty is done.    They came home this evening ..Think the poor little guy was He is so soft.. Feels bunny soft, just like our little black kitty does..!! Cherry blossoms are blooming all over town so it is looking lovely.

Maureen and Matilda Rainbow (Mo) (FFU)1 day, 1 hour ago

Hi Pat, lovely sunny day but like you there's a biting cold wind, just put the washing out, came in put something warm on, and the throw on my lap. Take care x

Sandi and Appleblossom (Sandi)1 day, 11 hours ago

It still is wet and a bit warmer, but really wet so have not gotten out into the garden..Randy is off tomorrow to buy a new Lawn mower.. Think he will be super happy with his new toy..!!!!!!!!!  But the lawn is really too wet to do any mowing..  Hope you have a lovely day..Loads of Love and Hugs..XXX

Sandi and Appleblossom (Sandi)1 day, 11 hours ago

Hi Patricia..Glad to hear you had a lovely day..!!  Rainy on and off all day..Was super windy this morning, but nicer during the day..!!  Still rainy though..Don't think we are due for a full sunny day for a few yet.. Hope you get to have your lunch out with Kathleen and the workers..XX  Well up here we are a little on the jumpy side..!!!  And you can be absolutely sure that we are all checking every lable on anything at the grocery shops and everywhere else and making sure it is not from the US..  I do know that I have maybe bought 1 or 2 things that are from the States..  And since all the US booze has been taken off the shelves it might evenually remind them that Canada dose actually make it's own..!!  The Us is so isolated that the people really do believe what ever he says.. If you travel to the States There is almost nothing in the way of World News.. It is all from the National News..meaning just the US and what they are doing..So no one really gets a full World view..It is solely centered on the US and if it is andything about the World News it is about what the US is doing in different parts of the World..Not the Global views..  Always been like that.. Even in their school

Quests Completed
Twinkle is Quest Level I, and has completed these Quests:
Level I Quests
(0 of 19 Quests Completed)
Mouse Hunter (Level I)
Not yet completed
Nice Weather For Ducks (Level I)
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The Tortoise And The Hare (Level I)
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Bunny Business (Level I)
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Watch The Birdie (Level I)
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Here Be Dragons (Level I)
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Reach For The Stars (Level I)
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Wrigglies (Level I)
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Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level I)
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One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level I)
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The Ugly Bug Ball (Level I)
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Random Assortment (Level I)
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Seasonal Quests
Think Pink (Level I)
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Spooky Sprinkling (Level I)
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Winter Wonderland (Level I)
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Be My Valentine (Level I)
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Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level I)
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Luck Of The Irish (Level I)
Not yet completed
Fun In The Sun (Level I)
Not yet completed

Total Earnings: 0 Scrolls

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