Sandi and Appleblossom (Sandi)13 hours, 18 minutes ago
Rain does the blossoms in so quickly though..!! That is why I got a late bloomer for mine.. It was in the hopes that the later it bloomed the more chance I would have to see the blossoms..!! Mine is a grafted single white and a double bright pink.. The white half blooms early though so actaully did not even see the blossoms until a couple of years ago.. So glad you had a lovely lunch out with the ladies..!! Eryn and Alisha made pizza for dinner tonight..! Eryn was so leased with herself for helping out..!! It was really good ..! Think she might like to try that again..!! Hope you have a lovely day Loads of Love and Hugs..AND Happy Mothering Sunday..XXXX Spoil yourself..!!