Layla Mae

Layla Mae is going back to Topiary Trails
[Last updated 86 days ago]
Born OnAugust 19th (age: 15 years, 7 months)
Human's NameSarah
Garden☆♡ Smiles Garden ♡☆ Leg VII 23/10/16 ♡☆
Sprinkle Gold 


Kim and ❤️❤️Holly~Girl❤️❤️4 days, 13 hours ago

Thx but I’ve got all of my top woodpeckers, I just need them at my garden

Kim and ❤️❤️Holly~Girl❤️❤️4 days, 21 hours ago

I’m sorry that I missed the woodpecker, I was at the doc’s….

Kim and ❤️❤️Holly~Girl❤️❤️5 days ago

I will be stalking your garden today 😊

Kim and ❤️❤️Holly~Girl❤️❤️5 days ago

Hi Sarah, I need to spot 3…

Karen and Patience (Leeds, UK)1 week, 6 days ago

Tq ❣️

Lesley and White Angel ~ SOUTH AUSTRALIA ~ FFU (♥‿♥) 2 weeks, 2 days ago

You're welcome xo

Lesley and White Angel ~ SOUTH AUSTRALIA ~ FFU (♥‿♥) 2 weeks, 2 days ago

PS…..Sarah, i know you’ve been doing these for awhile but i have thought about it and you are better off not dusting up your bush because if you leave it, it has as long as 1 week and 2 days from the time it’s “dropped” so you have plenty of time to grow your mushroom, especially if you halve it of course. This way, you won’t have to panic, as you then dust your bush once your mushy is RFH, then you’ll have plenty of time 😊 xo

Lesley and White Angel ~ SOUTH AUSTRALIA ~ FFU (♥‿♥) 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Oh wow, i don't think i realised that you have been doing Tops. without the rainbow rocks. Good on you as i don't think i would have as Uni. trims are bad enough! Good luck with it. Sending positive vibes your way, Sarah xo

Lesley and White Angel ~ SOUTH AUSTRALIA ~ FFU (♥‿♥) 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Hi Sarah! I have just got my Meerkat trim. I just thought i would pop in to say hi and see you're doing them too....lucky as didn't know :) xp

Rachel and Cosmo3 weeks, 5 days ago

I have to wait for tort plant for blue then bellis for indigo for Hh hoping after 2hrs can clear plate for bonsai

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Quests Completed
Layla Mae is Quest Level II, and has completed these Quests:
Level II Quests
(18 of 20 Quests Completed)
Black & White (Level II)
Best spotting time:
34 minutes, 12 seconds
On Safari (Level II)
Best spotting time:
25 minutes, 23 seconds
Tall Birds (Level II)
Best spotting time:
17 minutes, 53 seconds
Gone Fishing (Level II)
Not yet completed
Spots & Stripes (Level II)
Best spotting time:
32 minutes, 41 seconds
This Is Nuts! (Level II)
Best spotting time:
19 minutes, 48 seconds
Space Invaders (Level II)
Not yet completed
Raining Cats & Dogs (Level II)
Best spotting time:
25 minutes, 27 seconds
Giants (Level II)
Best spotting time:
1 day, 3 hours
Horns & Tusks (Level II)
Best spotting time:
21 minutes, 9 seconds
Mouse Hunter (Level II)
Best spotting time:
4 hours, 57 minutes
Bunny Business (Level II)
Best spotting time:
18 minutes, 33 seconds
Here Be Dragons (Level II)
Best spotting time:
23 minutes, 11 seconds
Reach For The Stars (Level II)
Best spotting time:
14 minutes, 54 seconds
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level II)
Best spotting time:
29 minutes, 41 seconds
One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level II)
Best spotting time:
7 minutes, 11 seconds
Random Assortment (Level II)
Best spotting time:
4 hours, 39 minutes
Seasonal Quests
Be My Valentine (Level II)
Best spotting time:
26 minutes, 1 second
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level II)
Best spotting time:
18 minutes, 10 seconds
Luck Of The Irish (Level II)
Best spotting time:
6 minutes, 59 seconds

Level I Quests
(19 of 19 Quests Completed)
Mouse Hunter (Level I)
Best spotting time:
8 minutes, 53 seconds
Nice Weather For Ducks (Level I)
Best spotting time:
1 day
The Tortoise And The Hare (Level I)
Best spotting time:
31 minutes, 55 seconds
Bunny Business (Level I)
Best spotting time:
27 minutes, 3 seconds
Watch The Birdie (Level I)
Best spotting time:
17 minutes, 17 seconds
Here Be Dragons (Level I)
Best spotting time:
22 minutes, 53 seconds
Reach For The Stars (Level I)
Best spotting time:
6 minutes, 50 seconds
Wrigglies (Level I)
Best spotting time:
1 hour, 34 minutes
Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level I)
Best spotting time:
5 hours, 7 minutes
One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level I)
Best spotting time:
26 minutes, 16 seconds
The Ugly Bug Ball (Level I)
Best spotting time:
5 minutes, 22 seconds
Random Assortment (Level I)
Best spotting time:
1 day, 18 hours
Seasonal Quests
Think Pink (Level I)
Best spotting time:
4 minutes, 34 seconds
Spooky Sprinkling (Level I)
Best spotting time:
4 minutes, 38 seconds
Winter Wonderland (Level I)
Best spotting time:
12 minutes, 45 seconds
Be My Valentine (Level I)
Best spotting time:
3 hours, 8 minutes
Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level I)
Best spotting time:
4 minutes, 59 seconds
Luck Of The Irish (Level I)
Best spotting time:
6 minutes, 53 seconds
Fun In The Sun (Level I)
Best spotting time:
22 minutes, 43 seconds

Total Earnings: 502 Scrolls
Pottery Lottery Quests
September 2023

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