
Born OnNovember 22nd (age: 14 years, 5 months)
Human's NameSamantha
GardenBugsy's Garden
Sprinkle Gold 


Marie and Edward2 years, 3 months ago

There's a little drama. One new girl does not like my friend, I don't know what her problem is. A couple times she was dumb enough to complain to me about him and she was dumb enough to expect me to agree with her. I walked away. I think she finally got the clue because she rarely speaks to me at all now which is fine. Yes my friend can be very messy but it's not always possible to clean as soon as a mess happens. He does clean but some people act like he doesn't and it gets on my nerves. Even the boss knows I don't take well to hearing complaints about him!
We had a crazy few weeks, everybody was sick and 5 tested postive for Covid. The boss said me and my friend are the MVP's because we were the only ones that still showed up everyday! I don't think the assistant manager is going to come back tho. She was supposed to be back this week and nobody has heard from her. I didn't care for her anyway so it wouldn't upset me if she doesn't come back.
That is so neat your mum makes masks! I got a kit to make some but haven't had a chance to use it. I like having themed masks!
I heard about the Christmas Pig and completely forgot about it. You find some very intersting books! <

Marie and Edward2 years, 3 months ago

Happy New Year! Christmas was pretty boring and quiet.
I haven't spent much time online either, I keep falling asleep at night just trying to check my email. I'm glad the lockdown there is finally over.
Work has been quite intersting. The boss and assistant manager both quit without notice last month. Very professional! I hope I never see either one again. We went a week without a boss, the replacements are from another store, I have mixed feelings about both of them. There's things I like but don't like about both of them. One the bright side the new boss seems quite determined to keep me and my friend together and even changed our schedules to match. The guy I've mentioned before that helped me when nobody else would.. we've definitely bonded. So much so some people actually think we're a couple and the best part, it doesn't even bother him. Unlike the ex-friend. I'm really working with my true best friend now. One good thing with all the upheavels we've dealt with lately at least we have a much better team now and no more drama queens. Bellatrix finally quit!
We still have the face mask rule here as well, I agree it's horrible when the weather is hot. But I just ha

Marie and Edward2 years, 6 months ago

I looked up the 3D puzzles online, they look so cool I wish I had one! But I don't have room for one. Maybe someday.
Ugh I'm sorry to hear that you still have to have a lockdown. Sometimes I feel like this mess is never going to end.
I'm glad your boss can't do anything to you with the lockdown going on. It's a shame to not be able to work tho. Although some people probably like that I guess.
Thank you for the congrats! It's exciting and an adjustment being full time. I like being away from home more I just haven't figured out how to get enough sleep. Sometimes I really wish I lived alone so I wouldn't have to put up with all the drama.
But I am a lot happier at work, the one guy that helped me a lot before and probably the only one that never turned on me when all the drama was going on, we have bonded a lot more. We are still super short staffed, but at least we have each other, I help him as much as I can and he does the same. We were training a new girl yesterday.. she has hearing aids so she's a bit challenging to work with. We try to be very patient and understanding but after so many hours it's very tiring. She stressed both of us out so bad we were relieve

Marie and Edward2 years, 7 months ago

If I had one of those 3D puzzles, I'd spend time with it too instead of being online LOL!! That sounds awesome to have a Harry Potter one!!
A LOT has happened during the last few weeks.. I'm full time now! Because of everybody that has left we are super shortstaffed now and the boss talked to my mom about it and told her she really needed me more. I'm glad she has had so much more luck talking to my mom that I ever did, I just don't understand why it always turns into an arguement when I try to.. anyway, I'm there 5 days a week now. It's hard because sometimes I'm the only one there for production work. One person can only do so much.. it's so much better with help :(
Bellatrix is still there, I don't know why. It's so dumb she's only there for 4 hours on Fridays. But at the moment any help is needed anyway. Umm, last Friday was the 'friend's' last day... he left to go to La-Z-Boy.. I don't think he will last long there because it's 11 hour shifts 6 days a week. Doesn't leave much time to have a life?
Wow that is terrible you're still in a lockdown :( I really hope you don't end up having to quit your job. Your boss should be more understanding with the current circu

Marie and Edward2 years, 8 months ago

So sorry you're in a lockdown. For a couple of weeks sounds horrible. They haven't done anything like that here again yet, but it's probably only a matter of time.
Well this was a total shocker to me.. Jessica quit! I'm so disappointed that I missed her last day. I would've liked the chance just to wish her well. My mom went behind my back and changed my days from Thursday to Tuesday. I was highly mad when my boss told me "I know you and your mom talked about it, I'm just reminding you." I was like "uhh, no you're informing me".. I really wish she'd leave me alone and just let me have my own life! I'm so tired of this garbage!
On the bright side Jessica was being unusually nice to me the last few days I saw her, I'd like to think that was her way of trying to make up for her previous rudeness.
Anyway, Bellatrix so far is still there on just Friday's for 5 hours. Which still makes no sense to me but at least I don't have to put up with her much. She was being strangely nice to me last week.
Things are better than they were with.. him. I'd like it if it keeps going in that direction.
Oh the new guy I mentioned before also quit. He went to lunch and never came b

Marie and Edward2 years, 8 months ago

I was hoping you were busy with work. After my ordeal I don't spend as much time online anymore either. There's a few new people at work now, most of them are for the night shift, but the new guy & new girl that are there during the day are both very nice and I like them both. Bellatrix is almost out the door, she changed her schedule to just 4 hours on Fridays which seems very pointless to me, and one of the other girls is convinced she's going to quit soon. Jessica was out last week taking a cake class at another store, apparently now she wants to transfer to that store as well. I'm surprised because she just never seemed that interested in cakes before, but she's been like a different person lately. She's actually been nice again. I wish she'd stay that way.
I don't know what to call him anymore, but the last few times that I saw him.. he was carrying on like he used to before he turned into a jerk.. I probably sound dumb for saying it but I miss the way things were before this mess happened.. He was cooking pasta last weekend and actually asked my opinion on it and even helped me with washing dishes... things will never be what they were but I would like if everybody could

Marie and Edward2 years, 9 months ago

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better, hopefully everything will go well at work too.
I can't understand how or why people turn into complete opposites of who they used to be, it's like the story of my life and it's very depressing..
There's nobody left to report them to. The boss said they were both written up for it but what good does that do? The store manager actually made me mad with giving me some speech that we need to find a way to work together otherwise I'll have to be moved to another department in the store. Why should I have to be moved? They all act like I was the one that did wrong and it's like they are protecting him just because he's a 2 year empolyee. Well sorry but a 2 year empolyee should know better than to be that verbally disrespectful to a coworker in front of the boss! But I guess it doesn't matter when there's no consquences for it. Everybody I've told all agree he should've at least been suspended on the spot.. I saw the boss in the parking lot the other day and since nobody else was around she told me that basically the only reason Jessica & Bellatrix still have a job is because of how understaffed the place is, otherwise they would be out the

Marie and Edward2 years, 9 months ago

Sorry to hear that you were sick. I hope you still have your job as well, I think they should be pretty understanding since getting sick is part of life, especially these days. It's never ideal anyway.
Well to start he complained to the store manager about my FB posts, turns out he had one of the front end managers friend me on FB just to spy on me. She sent him screenshots of my posts and the comments people made on them. I took pictures of the food the first time I made certain things because it was exciting to me. Somebody jokingly commented on one of my posts "When are you two getting married" and he complained that it upset his girlfriend. Well that joke was none of her business or his. That comment was on a post that was only visible to a few people. I don't publicly post on FB for a few reasons. Having someone friend me just to take screenshots of everything violated not only my privacy, but also the people commenting on my posts! It's also not my fault his GF is too immature to take a joke. So then he went off and called me the b word in front of the boss.. what really annoys me is they've done nothing about it. He wasn't even suspended for it. Pretty much everybody ha

Dianna and Jon Bon-Jovi (Australia )2 years, 9 months ago

Wow thankyou so much i will look up page to see times   xx

Marie and Edward2 years, 10 months ago

It is a huge shame. That sounds very frustrating to deal with moving managers from store to store. I also hope that doesn't happen at your new job.. That is great that you love your new job already! I'd love to see the Harry Potter products! lol it's always helpful to have people that understand our HP world. That's great that it is truly a team, I hope that stays intact. I hope your happiness lasts much longer than mine did.. there is no friendship anymore. I just do my work and go home.
I've read so many bad reviews about the Cursed Child book I don't know if I should get it... I'm still not reading anything right now, I'm just not in a reading mood.

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Quests Completed
Bugsy is Quest Level I, and has completed these Quests:
Level I Quests
(5 of 19 Quests Completed)
Mouse Hunter (Level I)
Best spotting time:
2 weeks
Nice Weather For Ducks (Level I)
Best spotting time:
1 month, 1 week
The Tortoise And The Hare (Level I)
Not yet completed
Bunny Business (Level I)
Best spotting time:
6 days, 21 hours
Watch The Birdie (Level I)
Best spotting time:
4 days, 21 hours
Here Be Dragons (Level I)
Not yet completed
Reach For The Stars (Level I)
Best spotting time:
1 month, 2 weeks
Wrigglies (Level I)
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Somewhere Over The Rainbow (Level I)
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One For Sorrow, Two For Joy (Level I)
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The Ugly Bug Ball (Level I)
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Random Assortment (Level I)
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Seasonal Quests
Think Pink (Level I)
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Spooky Sprinkling (Level I)
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Winter Wonderland (Level I)
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Be My Valentine (Level I)
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Do You Have The Eggs Factor? (Level I)
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Luck Of The Irish (Level I)
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Fun In The Sun (Level I)
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Total Earnings: 40 Scrolls

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