hilili's Garden 

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 The Garden Wall  

Jytte and Daizy (DK)20 minutes, 35 seconds ago

2 sjæle een tanke, så det blev en cross over :O) God fornøjelse med Rummicubben. Dejligt at Rita gerne vil være med igen

Jytte and Daizy (DK)22 minutes, 29 seconds ago

God morgen. Her er lidt diset til morgen, men efter sigende, skulle det blive fint vejr og med sol. I dag må jeg hellere få vasket skabslågerne i køkkenet af, det er nu rart, når der er rent inde inden det bliver vejr til også at få gjort rent i haven, og det kommer jo lige pludselig, så er det frem med plæneklipper osv. I morgen har jeg en aftale med Michael, han kommer og graver huller til plankeværket ind til naboen, det gamle væltede i januar måned. Morten har købt materialer hjem, de ligger på mn terrasse. Michael har værktøjet til at grave, og Morten er   god med alt andet håndværktøj, det er nu rart med sådan et par store drenge :O) Hav en god fredag med hvad den end bringer med sig :O)

Ingeborg Karen and Kylie 40 minutes, 17 seconds ago


Kathrine and …Sleipnir (East Africa)2 hours, 57 minutes ago

Watch the birdie
(º► ♪♫♪♫
╬═╬╬═=╬╬  Morning mum x

Christine and Moona7 hours, 7 minutes ago


Anne Marie and Amso10 hours, 35 minutes ago

Sov godt 💤💤💤

Lillian and Rosa (Norway)11 hours, 15 minutes ago

vanndrage   and

Jytte and Daizy (DK)14 hours, 38 minutes ago

Eftermiddagsvand, her har været gråvejr ind til ved 15-tiden, men nu er solen kommet. Jeg fik ikke vasket skabslåger, men stedet fik mine fodpaneler en omgang 😁 Jeg vandt ingen rødbeder men en halvanden l multijuice.  Jeg nyder jeg kan have havedøren åben og få både sol og frisk luft ind, jeg har slukket for fyret, men må nok tænde igen inden længe, har er stadig nattefrost.  Hav en god eftermiddag

Nick and Micky14 hours, 55 minutes ago

Roo ty xxx

Jonna and Honeysuckle & Tyttebøvs Garden ??15 hours, 38 minutes ago

Hav en god Dag ❤️

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Garden Owners
Ellen and Hilili, East Africa
Hilili, East Africa is wishing all my FL friends a happy and prosperous new year xxx
About This Garden
hilili's Garden

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Levels Completed! (420212 Scrolls)
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Garden Level 42

Garden News
Daizy (DK) watered the Thornbloom Herb
(27 minutes, 4 seconds ago)
Kylie watered the Aquarius Astroflorus
(40 minutes, 22 seconds ago)
Hilili, East Africa spotted a Brown Bunny here, earning 2 Diamonds!
(42 minutes, 24 seconds ago)
Hilili, East Africa watered the Enchanted Rainbow Mushroom
(42 minutes, 24 seconds ago)
Hilili, East Africa successfully harvested a Pot O' Gold, protecting an extra 2 sq ft of rainforest!
(43 minutes, 31 seconds ago)
Hilili, East Africa successfully harvested a Large Pot O' Gold, protecting an extra 2 sq ft of rainforest!
(43 minutes, 41 seconds ago)

Garden Age
11 years, 6 months

Report This Garden
  Thornbloom Herb  
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  Veggies (Triple Organic)  
Status:5 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 day ago
Wildlife Attracted
White Mouse
Arrived 2 hours, 17 minutes ago
Stayed 59 minutes, 18 seconds but wasn't spotted
Rainbow Dragon
Arrived 4 hours, 1 minute ago
Stayed 58 minutes, 20 seconds but wasn't spotted
Brown Bunny
Arrived 6 hours, 1 minute ago
Stayed 43 minutes, 16 seconds but wasn't spotted
Brown Bunny
Arrived 8 hours, 40 minutes ago
Stayed 42 minutes, 52 seconds but wasn't spotted
Arrived 11 hours, 52 minutes ago
Spotted by Rosa (Norway) after 36 minutes, 10 seconds
Reward: 1
Water Dragon
Arrived 13 hours, 35 minutes ago
Spotted by Hilili, East Africa after 31 minutes, 53 seconds
Reward: 1
Arrived 16 hours, 28 minutes ago
Stayed 11 minutes, 10 seconds but wasn't spotted
Arrived 18 hours, 49 minutes ago
Stayed 36 minutes, 6 seconds but wasn't spotted
Brown Bunny
Arrived 21 hours, 34 minutes ago
Spotted by Rosa (Norway) after 21 minutes, 56 seconds
Reward: 2
Field Mouse
Arrived 23 hours, 40 minutes ago
Spotted by Ashley after 16 minutes, 56 seconds
Reward: 1
  Veggies (Triple Organic)  
Status:4 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 day, 2 hours ago
Wildlife Attracted
Brown Bunny
Arrived 1 hour, 28 minutes ago
Spotted by Hilili, East Africa after 46 minutes, 17 seconds
Reward: 2
Lop Eared Bunny
Arrived 3 hours, 9 minutes ago
Spotted by …Sleipnir (East Africa) after 11 minutes, 32 seconds
Reward: 4
Rainbow Dragon
Arrived 6 hours, 12 minutes ago
Stayed 57 minutes, 52 seconds but wasn't spotted
Lop Eared Bunny
Arrived 8 hours, 32 minutes ago
Stayed 24 minutes, 18 seconds but wasn't spotted
Water Dragon
Arrived 12 hours, 10 minutes ago
Spotted by Rosa (Norway) after 54 minutes, 42 seconds
Reward: 1
Arrived 13 hours, 23 minutes ago
Stayed 27 minutes, 12 seconds but wasn't spotted
Arrived 15 hours, 8 minutes ago
Spotted by Micky after 12 minutes, 24 seconds
Reward: 2
Arrived 17 hours, 40 minutes ago
Stayed 11 minutes, 16 seconds but wasn't spotted
Rainbow Dragon
Arrived 20 hours, 29 minutes ago
Stayed 59 minutes, 5 seconds but wasn't spotted
Brown Bunny
Arrived 22 hours, 41 minutes ago
Spotted by Hilili, East Africa after 30 minutes, 29 seconds
Reward: 2
Brown Bunny
Arrived 1 day, 1 hour ago
Spotted by The Rugrats after 12 minutes, 17 seconds
Reward: 2
  Aureus Primus  
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  Bird Mix (Triple Organic)  
Status:15 feeds remaining
Left Out:43 minutes, 10 seconds ago
Wildlife Attracted
(Nothing, yet!)
  Enchanted Rainbow Mushroom  
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  Aquarius Astroflorus  
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