Ed and linnypoos10 minutes ago
Morning Diane, my mistake, I thought the clocks changed this w/e but it's next w/e. Visit to the Outback was unusually pleasant. May be because the eldest son has just been diagnosed as autistic it's made the rest of the family more sociable. The younger son who is twenty one tomorrow shows similar signs of anti socialness. I played darts with him in his room not just because I enjoy darts but to try & get him to open up & chat. That didn't work all that well but I will try again next time. I told him I will bring a small trophy which we can play for the next time we visit. When I come to think of it the father has a similar trend where everything spoken has to be factual. He has no chit chat as such. All so sad..No golf for me yesterday but will catch up today. We are @ 9c this morning with the threat of rain. Have a happy Sunday..... RD....fanx.