Ed and linnypoos3 hours, 30 minutes ago
Morning Diane, nice looking day outside. Sunny & 8c which is ok for this time of the year.. Had a practice video call from my sister on WhatsApp on our L/tops. Worked well so we wont have to bother with Skype when it shuts down. .Off to the supermarket this morning. I'll miss my tour of the big store next door as it finally closed it's doors last Saturday. Will save me looking around thinking that's cheap but do I need it. Bit of self control has to come into play.. lol. I had a nice trip to town yesterday. Usual fun chat with the charity store staff. I had quite a large bag of stuff for them that I got from the Outback. Saw that another store has closed. It was a cobblers, & has been in our town for some fifty years. That's good news for the only surviving cobblers in town. I'm still amazed @ how many peeps have shoes repaired these days. My daughter being one when she has a wardrobe full to choose from. Tracey popped in again on her way home from work. She was falling asleep. She was with us Saturday & helping her eldest daughter to move house. She borrowed the golf club van for the job.. Have a fine Tuesday..