Vivette and Arabella Glitterwing27 minutes, 22 seconds ago
🍀☘️☀️Another lovely spring day. I hope I'm not jinxing it by calling it spring! up to 78/25 today ! I made it to line dance last night and enjoyed myself in spite of the day long exhaustion. Might be over the time shift disturbance. Did a bit of knitting last night and sent off St. Pat's cards to all the nephlings. Visiting with my friends this afternoon at a nice coffee shop the challenge will be what treat to pick. Hope your day is sunny and bright!
Hi Diane - I tried to have door open this am for fresh air but it was a bit too chilly yet. Our schools spring break is next week. First time in forever that spring break doesn't matter to me.
Hi Diane - I tried to have door open this am for fresh air but it was a bit too chilly yet. Our schools spring break is next week. First time in forever that spring break doesn't matter to me.