Ed and linnypoos3 minutes, 1 second ago
Morning Diane, it's even warmer today, going up to 18c... I started on my front drive centre piece project. More of a tidy up really. In my wisdom when I had the front garden altered so we could get a few cars on. Five of us living here with a car. So I had the whole front turned into a car park. I thought that looks a bit plain so decided to put a small round centre piece with plants in. Now it's a nuisance as it always look neglected. I'm looking for less work not more.. lol. That was nasty having that blood test. I know from experience how easily us older peeps can bruise. I only have to bang my arm on something & it looks nasty.. So I have just got my upstairs cleaning duty to do then it's back to the car park...Have a fine day. Don't know what golf is on today but after the Players a lot of the big boys will be resting. ...FM...fanx.