Ed and linnypoos7 minutes, 47 seconds ago
Morning Diane, it's a tad milder here this morning. -25 degrees sounds dangerous. Reminds me of the time my parents were staying with my sister one Christmas. My mum got frost bite which left a reminder on her face. Which reminds me I really must go to their grave & collect the Christmas wreath. I keep saying that & nothing has happened. We have a big storm coming this way @ the w/e so if I leave it any longer it could get blown away. I was flicking through the sports menu last night & noticed it's the Farmers event which starts on a Wednesday. Only had a brief look when Aberg just finished his round. Will have to catch up later today to see the runners & riders. ..Another job I keep putting off is beer bottling. I've been waiting for a warmer day but it doesn't look like that will happen soon. How did your tea break go? Much talk about Trump? Have a stay warm day..