Alix and Penelope5 hours, 57 minutes ago
Nite hug,,supper leftovers,,crazy day 4 deg cold but dry. Missed snow predicted. Here,, had drop in company today,,caught me in my nitegown ha ha oh well get what you get not phone ahead.,,so nothing done today,,tired now usual aches pains need some meds. And a lay down,,all ok here just tired,,new week tomorrow. Need to get few things done,,I have several bags here of papers to shred so will ph place tomorrow make appt to drop off,,community services handicapped runs a offshoot usiness as little job for clients. ,,you pay by pound paper,,also have couple bags donations to drop off value village,,we have a new store in town,,will work on declutter,,need to go thru my closet!,out with old old then can hang up new. Ha ha,,have the plan just no energy to do ha ha,, goodnite hug,, happy monday