Ed and linnypoos3 hours, 23 minutes ago
Morning Diane, much better weather here today. Cloudless & going to be warmer which will kick start me to work outside. Hope all went well & on time yesterday...I rode my mobility cart to Sandra's hairdressers yesterday to amend her appointment next week. The cart needed an airing. There are a lot of road works around here @ the moment which makes it hard to cross the main road. So a workman stopped all the traffic in both directions to allow me to cross. I love this VIP treatment when I'm in the cart.. lol. See the baseball season is about to start. I watched part of a game between Cubs & Dodgers from Japan. I think there is game on here about now. They are trying to promote the game around the world. Now I need to take advantage of this decent weather.. Hope your tea break goes well. Have fun..