Ed and linnypoos48 minutes, 46 seconds ago
Morning Diane, we are still down to 1c which is cold for us. I thought yesterday morning I had beaten this cold, but it was having none of it as it came raging back. It's the coughing that is annoying. Laying flat in bed made it even worse so I slept in a spare room sitting up. Not ideal but helped some what. It's like covid all over again. It may be for all I know. Means no going to town this morning. Don't want to contaminate the village peeps. They will wonder where I am @ the charity shop. They may send out the charity police to look for me. lol.. Talking bike lanes, that's something we lack. Being a very old country the roads are narrow. They were built for horse & carts..That's one thing that hits me when I have been over there your roads are so wide. I did see some golf last night & read this morning that Straka won. Also that a your chap named Blades Brown broke the record low score for a seventeen year old. Could be another big name in the future. Sadly he missed the cut... Hope all is well there.. Happy Monday.