Susan and Gwindor16 minutes, 26 seconds ago
Morning sprinkles....thanks for messaging first thing this morning and the lovely message you sent last night. Yes a bundle of nerves doesn't even describe the anxiety. Just finishing my rounds and going to head out and work outside for a bit before it gets to warm. Then office this afternoon. I really hate to hear that M has so much weighing on his mind. I'm concerned about all this stress I sure don't want to even think about a rabbit hole situation. I'm so glad he has a safe place to! I will let you know once I know something. Ed may be home tonight because they are predicting rain down in St. Louis. Sis will be glad to see is all about him when he is home. Stay in, safe and warm and if you get that icing please don't go out. Hunker down. Sending love, hugs and kisses!