Freedom Farm Flora , Mackinaw, Michigan  

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 The Garden Wall  

Susan and Gwindor10 minutes, 55 seconds ago

Come visit the Dew Drop Inn ...I return all visits but don't always sprinkle....feel free to do the same in our garden. Save your gold if nothing is due or you are needing a critter that's due. Dew drop inn. Happy Gardening!

Alice and Athenia25 minutes, 38 seconds ago

Mouse ty

Lynn and Edna May57 minutes, 28 seconds ago

Good morning Susan 🌻  We woke up yesterday to blustery snowing, which turned to rain, then the sun came out. It remained cold though.  No big plans for the weekend.  I don't know if I'm still recovering from being sick or just depressed!  Sun is shining brightly today but it's so stinking cold and windy.  I just want to go back to bed and cover my head and -  idk - wake me when it's over?   Sending hugs and rubs your way - hoping you're well.  🐾🎪🤡⚡🎭

Izak G and GEORGE1 hour, 50 minutes ago

🌿´¨ Sprinkles ❤️

Red Squirrel ty xx

Kevin and Sport2 hours, 14 minutes ago


Karen and Isabelle 2 hours, 27 minutes ago

(      🐝*
` 🐝¸¸¸ ¸. •°´ '🐝

Have a good day

Pat and Hatty2 hours, 46 minutes ago

Hatty watered the Pink Cap Mushroom, and spotted a Puffin feeding on the Bird Mix!

Tom and Tix2 hours, 54 minutes ago


Lidia and ♥Eco♥♡♥️2 hours, 56 minutes ago


Marnie and & The Puppalup's3 hours, 7 minutes ago

⭐️*´¨`☽          ¸.*❤️´☽
(      ☆* Տթɾìղƙℓєs * ´
    ❤️ .¸¸¸. •°`⭐️*
Hi Susan!

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Garden Owners
Susan and Seraphina
Seraphina is Legendary VII FINALLY! AUGUST 27,2022.❤
About This Garden
Freedom Farm Flora , Mackinaw, Michigan
A safe haven for the fey and all woodland creatures. Dedicated to the memory of my beloved husband, Bill and my sweet brother Patrick and all of our Freedom farm pups over the years, Nelson, Jane, Ruby, Pearl and my precious Ziggy ❤

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Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level VI (24167 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Seraphina sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Bellis Lycaena, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(36 seconds ago)
Seraphina sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Bellis Lycaena, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(42 seconds ago)
Seraphina sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Bellis Lycaena, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(44 seconds ago)
Seraphina sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Bellis Lycaena, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(47 seconds ago)
Seraphina sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Bellis Lycaena, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(49 seconds ago)
Seraphina sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Bellis Lycaena, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(51 seconds ago)

Garden Age
16 years

Report This Garden
  Bellis Lycaena  
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  Piscis Aquabullae  
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  Bird Mix (Triple Organic)  
Status:10 feeds remaining
Left Out:10 hours, 34 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Arrived 19 minutes, 41 seconds ago
Spotted by Seraphina after 8 minutes, 45 seconds
Reward: 3
Arrived 2 hours, 53 minutes ago
Spotted by Hatty after 7 minutes, 18 seconds
Reward: 3
King Penguin
Arrived 5 hours, 33 minutes ago
Spotted by Beverly after 36 minutes, 52 seconds
Reward: 3
Arrived 7 hours, 9 minutes ago
Spotted by Sport after 20 minutes, 44 seconds
Reward: 4
King Penguin
Arrived 9 hours, 54 minutes ago
Spotted by Marishka Perizada after 30 minutes, 47 seconds
Reward: 3
  Pink Cap Mushroom  
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  Carmena Aviflora  
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  Bird Mix (Triple Organic)  
Status:13 feeds remaining
Left Out:3 hours, 34 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Field Mouse
Arrived 1 hour, 1 minute ago
Spotted by Athenia after 35 minutes, 34 seconds
Reward: 1
Red Squirrel
Arrived 2 hours, 3 minutes ago
Spotted by GEORGE after 11 minutes, 45 seconds
Reward: 5
  Piscis Aquabullae  
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