Red Red Red!!! 

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 The Garden Wall  

Fred and vodkatonic52 seconds ago

if it's not a chick, it'll be a mouse. 

Bette and Zoe1 minute, 45 seconds ago

Thanks, Arthur :))

Arthur and Spiro3 minutes, 29 seconds ago

max stay 5 min, minimum???
is 2 min splashing too long?

Arthur and Spiro8 minutes, 53 seconds ago

a pink gem for your first lark chick tyvm and congrats.
will stay to see if a twin pops up.

Fred and vodkatonic9 minutes, 41 seconds ago

nice.  Arthur.

Arthur and Spiro10 minutes, 27 seconds ago

egg wobble alert
The egg just wobbled and is starting to crack... This means that it will hatch within 10 minutes!

I will stay and try for the lark chick(s) c",)

I don't need it if you do, splash.

Arthur and Spiro11 minutes, 37 seconds ago

egg wobble alert
The egg just wobbled and is starting to crack... This means that it will hatch within 10 minutes!

I will stay and try for the lark chick(s) c",)

Fred and vodkatonic22 minutes, 24 seconds ago

no wobble yet

Jytte and Daizy (DK)17 hours, 40 minutes ago

       🌺کþrɨɳƙɭєʂ 🌺

Robert and Olaf the Obese20 hours, 43 minutes ago

sprinkled and spotted a singing bush lark, thanks :)

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Welcome to Fairyland!

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Garden Owners
Bette and Zoe
Zoe is watching over you
About This Garden
Red Red Red!!!
a place where I can go to refresh my soul. Please be thoughtful in my garden.

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level VI (33232 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
vodkatonic watered the Fairyland Agaric Mushroom
(4 seconds ago)
vodkatonic watered the Fairyland Agaric Mushroom
(1 minute, 8 seconds ago)
vodkatonic watered the Fairyland Agaric Mushroom
(2 minutes, 25 seconds ago)
Spiro watered the Fairyland Agaric Mushroom
(4 minutes, 13 seconds ago)
vodkatonic watered the Fairyland Agaric Mushroom
(5 minutes, 47 seconds ago)
Spiro watered the Fairyland Agaric Mushroom
(7 minutes, 23 seconds ago)

Garden Age
16 years, 1 month

Report This Garden
  Flowery Pottery (Edition 35 of 50)  
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  Nesting Tree  
Status:Hatched! (Singing Bushlark Egg)
Built by:[show]
  Fairyland Agaric Mushroom  
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  Raised Mad Hat Table  
  Bird Mix (Regular)  
Status:5 feeds remaining
Left Out:3 hours, 18 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
(Nothing, yet!)
  Bird Mix (Regular)  
Status:4 feeds remaining
Left Out:3 hours, 18 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Singing Bushlark Chick
Arrived 11 minutes, 20 seconds ago
Spotted by Spiro after 1 minute, 1 second
Reward: 20   1
(First time spotted in this Garden!)

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