Michelle and Beverly 1 hour, 50 minutes ago
Good afternoon Janet. I planted an Easter egg plant but I don’t think I’m understanding what it involves. Seems very complicated to me and I’m not looking to exercise my brain that much while playing fairyland. I’m having a hard time finding Easter bunnies. The game sure has changed over the years. 50 gold a day isn’t nearly enough to accomplish anything. Last months 100 a day was nice and more realistic. It made it easier to do quests and water friends gardens. We had a lazy kind of day. We went grocery shopping this morning and then came home and stayed in. It was raining earlier and then it turned to snow. It’s very cold and windy too. We have been watching the March Madness games. I like to follow along and fill out a bracket. I know nothing about college basketball so it’s interesting to see how well I do. We’ve seen on the news all the destruction of Tesla dealerships and the vehicles themselves. It’s so sad to see such division among America. I think everyday that my grandchildren are watching. It’s kind of hard to explain to little ones that adults are acting like this because they didn’t get what they wanted. Best to not let them watch/hear the news. I agree, men handle sickness much differently than women. That is why we have children and they do not…lol. I hope you are enjoying your Saturday 💜