Janet and Pink 2 hours, 20 minutes ago
This evening I'm going to wrap up the presents for the twins so I can make another space. I bought them each some little outfits and a couple of books with sounds in them! They'll be one in January so are now taking notice of things. Sheila tells me they're visiting her on Christmas morning then going on to her partners family for dinner. Sheila is really pleased as she doesn't want to cook for them all. They'll go to hers Boxing day and have cold meats, salad and anything else that Anna brings! I expect there'll be enough to feed a horse. lol
I'm going with Auntie to my cousin Stuart and his Susan, his wife, for Christmas lunch, they live about 8 miles away and Boxing day my cousin David and Karen, his wife have invited us to theirs which is only 5 doors down from Auntie and a 3 minute drive for me!!
Take care xxx