Michelle and Beverly 1 minute, 59 seconds ago
Good morning Janet. Larry is feeling better so off to work he went. Still keeping my fingers crossed that I don’t catch what he had. I’m feeling pretty confident though, I think by tomorrow if I’m still healthy I should be in the clear 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻. I can’t tell you how many things I have purchased that ended up in the trash within a short time…it’s very frustrating!! I love my crockpot. I use it all the time, even in the summer. It was a life saver when I was working. I got out at 3 and had plenty of time to cook dinner but having done for me was much easier. I haven’t cooked a bad meal out of the crockpot. It’s very cold here again today. It’s 32 degrees and windy. There is cold and snow in the forecast for all of next week. We’ve been spoiled with all of our fake spring we’ve been having. Enjoy your day and have a happy Friday 💜