Judith and TinkerBell [ FFU NDMP]1 minute, 28 seconds ago
Good night dear Sue,
Oh no poor Phil and you 🤭 with the cut short Golf, might be an idea to change days see how that goes, aww so a Plummers mate today , hope the fix holds 🫣. Most of the sawdust that was at the top of trees yesterday is now on the ground 😳😖 might just hope the birds peck it up for nest building…. We had agoodday everything was delivered as per plan. Margot was waving furiously from the window, when I got there with CB. 🥰 nice to catch up with her, you enjoy a rest ful evening Lovely, sleep well Later, xxxxxxx
Good night dear Sue,
Oh no poor Phil and you 🤭 with the cut short Golf, might be an idea to change days see how that goes, aww so a Plummers mate today , hope the fix holds 🫣. Most of the sawdust that was at the top of trees yesterday is now on the ground 😳😖 might just hope the birds peck it up for nest building…. We had agoodday everything was delivered as per plan. Margot was waving furiously from the window, when I got there with CB. 🥰 nice to catch up with her, you enjoy a rest ful evening Lovely, sleep well Later, xxxxxxx