Green house  

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Garden Owners
Margreet and Her Alter Ego Eta
Her Alter Ego Eta has her rainbow rock; now questing along
About This Garden
Green house
light up, shine out

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level VII (60058 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Her Alter Ego Eta spotted a Wriggly Red Caterpillar here, earning 3 Diamonds!
(24 minutes, 15 seconds ago)
Her Alter Ego Eta watered the Piscis Aquabullae
(24 minutes, 15 seconds ago)
Pip The Pest Garden. watered the Piscis Aquabullae
(45 minutes, 16 seconds ago)
Pip The Pest Garden. spotted a Wriggly Red Caterpillar here, earning 3 Diamonds!
(45 minutes, 18 seconds ago)
Pip The Pest Garden. watered the Supershroom
(45 minutes, 18 seconds ago)
Pip The Pest Garden. spotted a Oriole here, earning 3 Diamonds!
(45 minutes, 21 seconds ago)

Garden Age
9 years, 4 months

Report This Garden
  Fairytale Toadstool  
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  Diamond Birthstone  
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  Veggies (Regular)  
Status:4 feeds remaining
Left Out:2 hours, 47 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Wriggly Red Caterpillar
Arrived 44 minutes, 52 seconds ago
Spotted by Her Alter Ego Eta after 20 minutes, 37 seconds
Reward: 3
  Piscis Aquabullae  
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  Bird Mix (Organic)  
Status:3 feeds remaining
Left Out:4 hours, 56 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Arrived 1 hour, 7 minutes ago
Spotted by Pip The Pest Garden. after 22 minutes, 12 seconds
Reward: 3
Arrived 3 hours, 34 minutes ago
Spotted by Her Alter Ego Eta after 6 minutes, 10 seconds
Reward: 3
  Bird Mix (Organic)  
Status:3 feeds remaining
Left Out:4 hours, 56 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Wriggly Red Caterpillar
Arrived 59 minutes, 5 seconds ago
Spotted by Pip The Pest Garden. after 13 minutes, 47 seconds
Reward: 3
Blue Jay Chick
Arrived 3 hours, 7 minutes ago
Spotted by Her Alter Ego Eta after 52 seconds
Reward: 20   1
  Aries Astroflorus  
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  Dulcia Zingibera  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!

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