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Garden Owners
Chris and Nevis
Nevis is delighted to have completed dinos. Thank you to all the fairies who helped but especially Julie and Rainbow last week!
About This Garden
In the heart of Yorkshire, England Leg 31/05/24

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VI
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level I (144 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 30

Garden News
Teikz watered the Tulipa Praecocia
(4 minutes ago)
Tinkerbell And Andreas Garden G watered the Tulipa Praecocia
(29 minutes, 15 seconds ago)
Maja watered the Supershroom
(34 minutes, 25 seconds ago)
Mariquita Pérez watered the Tulipa Praecocia
(52 minutes, 25 seconds ago)
Mariquita Pérez spotted a Jackdaw here, earning 5 Diamonds!
(52 minutes, 26 seconds ago)
Mariquita Pérez watered the Tulipa Praecocia
(52 minutes, 26 seconds ago)

Garden Age
9 years, 2 months

Report This Garden
  Bird Mix (Superfood)  
Status:19 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 hour, 36 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Arrived 52 minutes, 53 seconds ago
Spotted by Mariquita Pérez after 27 seconds
Reward: 5   1
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Incubating (Jackdaw Egg)
Built by:[show]
  Bird Mix (Superfood)  
Status:19 feeds remaining
Left Out:1 hour, 36 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Wriggly Red Caterpillar
Arrived 1 hour, 17 minutes ago
Spotted by Anderosa after 8 seconds
Reward: 3   1
  Holiday Calendar  
Status:Day 26 of 31
Current Wildlife:Festive White Mouse
Colours Unlocked:5 of 8
Door Closes In:8 hours, 43 minutes
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  Tulipa Praecocia  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
  Tulipa Praecocia  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
  Nightrose Herb  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
  Opis Auriflora  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!

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