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Garden Owners
Flea Slayer is thankful RULE FREE, FLEA FREE GARDEN!! Do not bully. Drama Free Zone!! LEG VII on Sept 20, 2014. If nothing is due or I don't have what you want, no need to water. Leave your calling card on my front wall for a return visit. Privates and Frozens welcome!
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Public Garden Anyone can water at any time
Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Novice [show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]
Quest Level I (0 Scrolls)
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Garden Level 42 Garden News
Flea Slayer, With T.T. The Gnome, NDMP Admin sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Supershroom, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(1 minute, 18 seconds ago)
Flea Slayer, With T.T. The Gnome, NDMP Admin sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Supershroom, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(1 minute, 31 seconds ago)
Flea Slayer, With T.T. The Gnome, NDMP Admin sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Supershroom, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(1 minute, 34 seconds ago)
Flea Slayer, With T.T. The Gnome, NDMP Admin sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Supershroom, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(1 minute, 37 seconds ago)
Flea Slayer, With T.T. The Gnome, NDMP Admin sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Supershroom, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(1 minute, 41 seconds ago)
Flea Slayer, With T.T. The Gnome, NDMP Admin sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Supershroom, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(1 minute, 43 seconds ago)
Garden Age
11 years, 4 months
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