legendary river falls VII  

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 The Garden Wall  

Helen and Petal ™53 minutes, 50 seconds ago

Good morning Karen xx

Judith and TinkerBell [ FFU NDMP]1 hour, 26 minutes ago

Morning dear karen
hope you enjoy Friday, duller here than last 2 days, no real plans yet, we will see how it goes enjoy your day take care Lovely, xxxx

Tatiana and Sherri's Menagerie 10 hours, 2 minutes ago

ღ Ɠơơᗪ ƝᎥᎶђƮ

Karen and And Jack And His Pesky Pal Eddie 10 hours, 14 minutes ago

Goodnight back tomorrow 💕

Brenda and Anastasia 10 hours, 15 minutes ago

Night hun ❤️

Susan and Twinkletoes Newcastle UK Xxx10 hours, 16 minutes ago

Hi Karen xx

Janice and Heidi Da Rottie And Abbey Rose Too10 hours, 29 minutes ago

Sweet dreamzzzzz Karen

Jan and Maud (WWH!) FFU •❤️ ☆•°*”˜☽11 hours, 5 minutes ago


Annie and Teresa11 hours, 23 minutes ago

Hi Karen x
I do miss them both very much but i have my family around me and we are all very close to there is always one of them knocking around here lol x Nighty night sleep well when you go x Catch up tomorrow ansd see you in the morning xx

Pauline and Angel And Goosey NDMP11 hours, 31 minutes ago

Sprinkled xx

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Garden Owners
About This Garden
legendary river falls VII
In memory of our beautiful boy Jack always missed and forever in our hearts x

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level VII (138322 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
And Jack And His Pesky Pal Eddie froze the Garden
(10 hours, 14 minutes ago)
Twinkletoes Newcastle UK Xxx watered the Supershroom
(10 hours, 16 minutes ago)
Heidi Da Rottie And Abbey Rose Too watered the Apis Melliflora
(10 hours, 29 minutes ago)
And Jack And His Pesky Pal Eddie removed a Blue Egg
(10 hours, 30 minutes ago)
Snap Noodles spotted a Bee Eater here, earning 3 Diamonds!
(10 hours, 42 minutes ago)
Snap Noodles watered the Apis Melliflora
(10 hours, 42 minutes ago)

Garden Age
13 years, 3 months

Report This Garden
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...
Time Is Frozen In This Garden!
The owners of this Garden have cast a spell to temporarily freeze time because they are unable to visit Fairyland for a while.

No plants can be watered here, but neither will they grow or die! If you wish, you may still leave a message here for when the owner returns...

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