Dee and ♥ ƇӇЄƊƊƳ ƁЄƛƦ ♥2 hours, 7 minutes ago
So sorry to hear John fell yesterday, hope it didn't spoil his Birthday. That will be nice getting away and hopefully you'll unwind and sleep better......just think no cooking ! I had a bad pain night last night, took my pills 2am and was awake waiting for them to kick in and they didn't! Sure I stayed awake till the alarm went off at 5.50. Peter redressed my leg & I should have been in the nurse 9.30 but I cancelled it. The pain wasn't good and didn't feel right to drive, so I went back to bed ! Did phone them and ask for the dressings to be there tomorrow as we'll collect so let's see whats there ! Pains eased now so hopefully sleep better xx