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Nicole and Lil' Giz4 minutes, 15 seconds ago

  இ.☀️) Have a great day! °   

Kay and Lotus Fairy14 minutes, 16 seconds ago


Kay and Lotus Fairy21 minutes, 9 seconds ago


Joyce and ❤️Twinkle Brummie❤️ 22 minutes, 36 seconds ago

Wobbly. Goodnight Judith.

Rowan and Loo Loo23 minutes, 28 seconds ago

         • ☆*.•.•❤️
     ❤️  𝕷𝖔𝖔 𝕷𝖔𝖔 𝖁𝖎𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖉
        `★.¸¸¸. •❤️•☆..☆•❤️•
Morning Judith overcast this morning a little bit warmer than yesterday so far........ not going to do much as got bingo tomorrow night & hospital on Friday & out Saturday evening so decided I have had too much going on the last couple of weeks have a rest day today.  Hope you get a rest day today xxx

Mel and Tinker23 minutes, 57 seconds ago


Marlies and ⭐️MooN❤️Sparkle⭐️24 minutes, 30 seconds ago

ᘛ💦 𝒮𝒮𝒮𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓈𝒽 💦ᘚ
☘️ʜᴬνᴱ ᴀ ᴳᴏᴼᴅ ᴰᴀʏ☘️

Annie and Teresa25 minutes, 16 seconds ago

Good morning Judith x
Dry start here the sun is trying hard to come out x
Just some chores and might pop out to the retail park later for a look around x Enjoy your day take care and thanks for spotting x

Carole and Lulabelle’s * Rememberance Garden *31 minutes, 42 seconds ago

Good morning x

Mary and Chrystal35 minutes, 19 seconds ago

hi Judith xx
foggy here this morning

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Wildlife Level Legendary VII
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Quest Levels Completed! (477891 Scrolls)
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Garden Level 42

Garden News
TinkerBell [ FFU NDMP] sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Rainbow Chameleana Flower, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(51 seconds ago)
TinkerBell [ FFU NDMP] sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Rainbow Chameleana Flower, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(52 seconds ago)
TinkerBell [ FFU NDMP] sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Rainbow Chameleana Flower, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(53 seconds ago)
TinkerBell [ FFU NDMP] sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Rainbow Chameleana Flower, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(54 seconds ago)
TinkerBell [ FFU NDMP] sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Rainbow Chameleana Flower, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(55 seconds ago)
TinkerBell [ FFU NDMP] sprinkled Diamond Dust on a Rainbow Chameleana Flower, halving the remaining time until it flowers!
(56 seconds ago)

Garden Age
14 years, 6 months

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  Rainbow Chameleana Flower  
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  Wild Berries (Superfood)  
Status:20 feeds remaining
Left Out:23 seconds ago
Wildlife Attracted
(Nothing, yet!)
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Hatched! (Chocolate Eggshell)
Built by:[show]
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Incubating (Wren Egg)
Built by:[show]
  Piscis Aquabullae  
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  Aries Astroflorus  
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