Welcome to Fairyland!

To play, please log in with your Facebook account!
Garden Owners
Heidi and Shasta's Bluebird
Shasta's Bluebird is happy she Finally got a chicken hat
About This Garden
Missing my sweet little dog Shasta RIP my girl 17 loving years 🐦 was 36292 to find gold at both ends of the Rainbow

10 minute alerts [info]

Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Level VIII (190862 Scrolls)
[show quests completed]

Garden Level 42

Garden News
Harry watered the Easter Egg Plant
(9 minutes, 1 second ago)
Shasta's Bluebird spotted a Mermaid here, earning 2 Diamonds!
(13 minutes, 4 seconds ago)
Shasta's Bluebird watered the Easter Egg Plant
(13 minutes, 4 seconds ago)
TINKER BELLE✰´ ¯ `✰´ ¯ `✰´ ¯ `✰´ ¯ watered the Underwater Toadstool
(18 minutes, 7 seconds ago)
Maggy Ontario Canada watered the Underwater Toadstool
(18 minutes, 31 seconds ago)
Shasta's Bluebird watered the Easter Egg Plant
(18 minutes, 40 seconds ago)

Garden Age
14 years, 6 months

Report This Garden
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Incubating (White Chocolate Egg)
Built by:[show]
  Veggies (Organic)  
Status:5 feeds remaining
Left Out:3 minutes, 54 seconds ago
Wildlife Attracted
(Nothing, yet!)
  Easter Egg Plant  
Oops - please log in!

To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
  Veggies (Organic)  
Status:5 feeds remaining
Left Out:3 minutes, 48 seconds ago
Wildlife Attracted
(Nothing, yet!)
  Easter Egg Plant  
Oops - please log in!

To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
  Veggies (Organic)  
Status:5 feeds remaining
Left Out:3 minutes, 43 seconds ago
Wildlife Attracted
(Nothing, yet!)
  Easter Egg Plant  
Oops - please log in!

To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Incubating (Yellow Egg)
Built by:[show]
  Underwater Toadstool  
Oops - please log in!

To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!

To play, click here to log in to the game!