Mary and Callamityann1 minute, 26 seconds ago
Happy Thursday! Work was ok! Got a couple things off my desk. Saw the surgeon at lunch time and I have an official diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis so I'll be starting some meds to see if they work and adjusting my food as I go! Just so happy it's not cancer that I don't care that I have UC! I'll deal with it! Hubby made it home yay! Put money down today for our new roof finally. Now it's time to relax! Have a great night!
OH my gosh her lawyers are amazing! They must cost and arm, a leg, and a kidney! And I heard that the alternate jurror from the first trial is also a lawyer and has oined her team. I was busy working on a miniature last night so I didn't rally watch anything on tv. I think I just had neighborhood wars or something playing in the background.
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Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” – Albus Dumbledore
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OH my gosh her lawyers are amazing! They must cost and arm, a leg, and a kidney! And I heard that the alternate jurror from the first trial is also a lawyer and has oined her team. I was busy working on a miniature last night so I didn't rally watch anything on tv. I think I just had neighborhood wars or something playing in the background.
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Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” – Albus Dumbledore
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