Maria and MariaMirabela6 minutes, 40 seconds ago
MariaMirabela watered the Easter Egg Plant, and spotted a Dark Chocolate Bunny feeding on the Wild Berries!
You have now spotted the Dark Chocolate Bunny 27 times in other Gardens!
10 Diamonds earned, plus a bonus Pink Diamond for spotting it in less than 5 minutes!
You have now earned 305374 Wildlife Diamonds overall! [info]
Woohoo - The Dark Chocolate Bunny helped an Easter Egg in your own Garden grow by another 10 lbs!
Did you know? If you had an empty nest in your own Garden, then the Chocolate Bunny would have dropped an egg for you!
You have now spotted the Dark Chocolate Bunny 27 times in other Gardens!
10 Diamonds earned, plus a bonus Pink Diamond for spotting it in less than 5 minutes!
You have now earned 305374 Wildlife Diamonds overall! [info]
Woohoo - The Dark Chocolate Bunny helped an Easter Egg in your own Garden grow by another 10 lbs!
Did you know? If you had an empty nest in your own Garden, then the Chocolate Bunny would have dropped an egg for you!