❤🌻Garden of Peace 🌻❤ 

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Garden Owners
Minu and ❤️Rainbowglitter, Mod, NDMP, UFW & ATF�
❤️Rainbowglitter, Mod, NDMP, UFW & ATF� Rainbowglitter brings good fortune.Llives in grazing lands and orchards'can only be seen in the light of a shooting star;wears olive green dresses andhas multicoloured wings like a butterfly
About This Garden
❤🌻Garden of Peace 🌻❤
Welcome to my garden . Play and let others play too. Thank you 🙏❤️

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Public Garden
Anyone can water at any time

Levels Achieved
Wildlife Level Legendary VII
[show wildlife attracted]
[show wildlife spotted]

Quest Levels Completed! (425954 Scrolls)
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Garden Level 42

Garden News
Maria watered the Bellis Lycaena
(14 minutes, 22 seconds ago)
Shimmercrystal (Margaret) spotted a Mole here, earning 2 Diamonds!
(27 minutes, 46 seconds ago)
Shimmercrystal (Margaret) watered the Bellis Lycaena
(27 minutes, 46 seconds ago)
Delilah watered the Chocolate Candyflower
(38 minutes, 10 seconds ago)
sparkles spotted a Yellow Wagtail here, earning 2 Diamonds!
(1 hour, 33 minutes ago)
sparkles watered the Enchanted Rainbow Mushroom
(1 hour, 33 minutes ago)

Garden Age
15 years, 3 months

Report This Garden
  Bellis Lycaena  
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  Nesting Tree  
Status:Hatched! (Chocolate Eggshell)
Built by:[show]
  Easter Egg Plant  
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  Veggies (Organic)  
Status:3 feeds remaining
Left Out:4 hours, 1 minute ago
Wildlife Attracted
Arrived 30 minutes, 51 seconds ago
Spotted by Shimmercrystal (Margaret) after 3 minutes, 5 seconds
Reward: 2   1
Rainbow Dragon
Arrived 3 hours, 20 minutes ago
Spotted by ☠️⭐️Eglantina⭐️ ☠️ after 7 minutes, 28 seconds
Reward: 2
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Incubating (Chaffinch Egg)
Built by:[show]
  Bird Mix (Organic)  
Status:3 feeds remaining
Left Out:4 hours, 49 minutes ago
Wildlife Attracted
Yellow Wagtail
Arrived 1 hour, 56 minutes ago
Spotted by sparkles after 22 minutes, 59 seconds
Reward: 2
Yellow Wagtail
Arrived 4 hours, 8 minutes ago
Spotted by Flossie after 32 minutes, 21 seconds
Reward: 2
  Nesting Tree  
Status:Needs repair! (80% complete)
Built by:[show]
  Enchanted Rainbow Mushroom  
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  Chocolate Candyflower  
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To water the plants, please click here to log in to Fairyland with your Facebook account!

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