Grace and Alfie 44 minutes, 23 seconds ago
Happy Mothers Day Yvonne 😘
It’s been freezing rain off and on all day here, Brian and I haven’t left the house, everything is covered in ice 😵💫 We didn’t get as bad as some other parts of Ontario though, there are almost a half million that lost power. No hangover for me, cause I behaved last night, I just had two coolers and drank them relatively slow, so not like me 😂. Hope you feel more human now. Have a good day xo
It’s been freezing rain off and on all day here, Brian and I haven’t left the house, everything is covered in ice 😵💫 We didn’t get as bad as some other parts of Ontario though, there are almost a half million that lost power. No hangover for me, cause I behaved last night, I just had two coolers and drank them relatively slow, so not like me 😂. Hope you feel more human now. Have a good day xo