Grace and Alfie 43 minutes, 8 seconds ago
Lol over your mosquito comment 😂😂! It poured SNOW all day Yvonne, Nicky and I resembled snowmen 😵💫🙈! Sun the next 2 days, then 30 cms coming after that, so yup, I’ll take the creepy crawlers over this crap 🦟😵💫. The birds are eating us out of house and home too, likely cause nothing is growing so, they are taking advantage of the free food. I have to fill the feeders twice a day. Dreading having to bring the feeders in at night due to the bears, cause word is they’re are waking up, and there is no food for them either. Everyone is cranky over this weather including the animals 😂. Rant over, tomorrow a new rant will likely come your way 😂
Night Yvonne, oh forgot to mention, extremely jealous over your perfect hair 😅, I want to see a pic of your not so perfect hair, and leave it there so I won’t have to be jealous over your weather and your hair 😍
Night Yvonne, oh forgot to mention, extremely jealous over your perfect hair 😅, I want to see a pic of your not so perfect hair, and leave it there so I won’t have to be jealous over your weather and your hair 😍