Dianne and Chester And Kiki Lemonloop32 seconds ago
Friday night sprinkle 🙂❤ Hi Mara Lea. I'm behind again on my returns. It has been a busy week. yesterday evening, my cousin, her daughter, and I went to Ikea and spent a few hours shopping and we had dinner there - Swedish meatballs, yummy! Today I had an appointment with one of my oncologists - the radiation oncologist, who I was seeing on an annual basis. Good news - she told me I don't have to see her again. Yay! Only two oncologists now instead of three.
Supposed to be cooler this weekend, I will have a chance to wear my new Eagles gear.
Hope you had a great day and that you have something fun planned for the weekend. Hugs and love xxxxx
Supposed to be cooler this weekend, I will have a chance to wear my new Eagles gear.
Hope you had a great day and that you have something fun planned for the weekend. Hugs and love xxxxx