Judy and Hambone T Slapstick22 minutes, 31 seconds ago
Goodnight Lori, I am glad I was in the garden when you came on here. I will see what he has to say when I talk to him. I called right when he was starting yesterday and perhaps that is why. He also should have the info on me. I am relieved I got to see him this soon. It was good to get out in the sun and spend some time with Gail. Yes, she is concerned. That was a hot day for you today. I am glad you got to wear your flip flops and had a pedicure, Yes, you are all ready for Summer now. That was a good choice Tom made for supper on a hot day. We had fish and salad for supper. I am glad it was a good day for you. I did my other load of laundry this afternoon. I did have a nice relaxing evening. I am going to bed earlier tonight. I am very tired and should sleep well. You sleep well too. Love and Hugs xx Ty for the Leprechaun x