Dianne and Golden Haired Dancer Rye Victoria, Australia5 minutes, 5 seconds ago
Hello Jennifer, it was the Tate Modern that I visited years ago. I enjoy modern art. Bian was certainly a modernist. Of the classic artists I think that Vermeer is my favourite. Waiting for Mungo to come home and then I can go to bed and continue reading. Mindy seems to be easier to get inside. In fact she prefers being inside. So much for a neighbour complaining about her roaming the neighbourhood and killing birds. THe only bird that she has captured as far as I know was an introduced bird that scares away the natives. And she came home with it to show me. I told a friend who is into conservation and she applauded Mindy. When she is outside she never seems to be far from my door and usually ready to come back inside waiting at the door. I think that I am becoming paranoid about what my neighbour thinks.